Cycling 100 miles for Lord Mayors Charity


Lord Mayor of Sheffield Birley Ward Councillor Denise Fox’s son Jordan Fox and family friend Ray Mason will be cycling from Sheffield to Skegness on Saturday 9 October to raise funds for the Lord Mayors charities. Jordan says “I only started cycling at the beginning of the year and I got addicted straight away. I wanted to join a club and thanks to the great set of fellow riders at Sitwell cycle club, I joined. My other goal was to complete a 100 mile bike ride. What better way to do this then to help my mum who is the current Lord Mayor of Sheffield raise as much money as she possibly can for her four chosen charities which are close to her heart. The four charities are:
Army Benevolent Fund – supporting soldiers, former soldiers and immediate family of the British army.
St Luke’s – supporting a hospice which helps people through a difficult journey.
Sparkle – supporting disabled children, young people and their families.
Support Dogs – supporting a Sheffield based national charity helping children with epilepsy, physical disabilities and autism.

I hope you all give generously as I am going to kill myself doing this ride. Thanks to Cllr Karen McGowan for generously putting the accommodation up for me. Thanks to Cllr Terry Fox for being the support on the way down. And thanks to Ray Mason for taking me on the route and looking after me or killing me.”

If you would like to donate please go to Jordan’s just giving page on facebook

Lord Mayors Launch of Nightstop in Sheffield



On Friday 16 September Councillor Karen McGowan, Cabinet Assistant for Housing and Planning attended the launch of Nightstop in Sheffield. This event was officially launch by the Lord Mayor of Sheffield Birley Ward Councillor Denise Fox.

Nightstop provides overnight accommodation in the homes of trained and vetted volunteers in the area. The Nightstop service is designed to stop young people, aged from 16 to 25, entering the cycle of homelessness and unemployment that can lead to this devastating outcome. Nightstop teams work with homeless young people, in partnership with local agencies, to help them address the issues that caused them to become homeless, providing family mediation and securing long-term settled accommodation.

At the launch attendees heard from a family who had been volunteering for 2 years and from a young person who said he had only been homeless for 11 nights thanks to Nightstop who helped him get his life back on track, but he didn’t know what would have happened if the volunteers hadn’t been there to help him.

The new service, is funded by a £200,000 grant from players of People’s Postcode Lottery. They are aiming to recruit 45 volunteer hosts to provide around 400 nights of accommodation in its first year. Once the service is established in Sheffield they are hoping to expand across South Yorkshire.

If you would like to find out more about volunteering for Nightstop Sheffield, please call 0114 278 7152 or email For more details and photo’s see the facebook page

Streets Ahead Scheme Feedback Survey

The Streets Ahead Scheme in Sheffield is the city wide highways maintenance project currently upgrading the condition of the city’s roads, pavements, street lights, bridges and other items on or around the streets.


A feedback survey has been re-launched with the aim of asking residents what they think about the upgrades that have been carried out across the city so far.


This survey is open until the 7th October with the results available in late Autumn.


All the team at the Streets Ahead are interested in any feedback you want to share.


You can complete the survey in less than 10 minutes at the following link:



Birley Ward Stall at the Basegreen Shops – 10th September

Your Birley Ward Councillors will be holding a stall outside the shops at Basegreen, Jaunty Way on 10th September between 10am and 12 noon.  Everyone is welcome to stop by for a chat as we want to:


  • Talk to as many local residents as possible


  • Provide more information on the recently formed Environmental Group and their plans of a litter pick in October in Jaunty Park.


  • Offer Crime Prevention Packs to residents who haven’t previously received one from the supply we have left.


  • Answer any questions you may have on whats happening in your local area


If you are free and interested in coming along, we want to encourage everyone to come and talk about any of the above issues, any other others you may have, and share all ideas on what we can do in the community.