New War Memorial For Frecheville

Bill CarlinBill Carlin, a resident of Frecheville is seeking support to build a new war memorial in Frecheville. Below is information that Bill has supplied regarding his appeal.


Frecheville – Memorial Appeal

I have been a Frecheville Lad all my life, and having served in the RAF in the Second World War I was proud to have known many servicemen who returned from the onslaught of many battles and events between 1939 and 1945. It was an honour to have served along with them and many people from Frecheville at that time were rightly proud of the commitment they gave. Next year of course will see the 100th year of commemorations of the start of the War to End All Wars and in 2015 it will be 70 years since the end of the sequel to that event World War two.  Every year at Armistice I have attended parades and the war time members are getting fewer and fewer.

Some of them of course did not return having paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Frecheville was no different and The People of Frecheville erected a small but meaningful monument to 19 young men who made the ultimate Sacrifice which is tucked away in the Frecheville Community Centre. Out of site to most but never the less erected with pride in order that they were not forgotten.

Sadly that small tribute to their bravery seems lost to those of us that still remember them, and I wonder if the people of Frecheville today know who they were, of the price they paid or the fact that there is a memorial. I would dearly love to erect another replacement monument outside the centre near the trees that still grow in their name leading to the centre.

I would love to make contact with the families of those 19 service men to let them know, they are not forgotten. When I have drummed up the support and the necessary permissions I would like to raise a small but perhaps more appropriate monument bearing their names at the back of the centre and overlooking Frecheville pond.

If you are a relative of these brave men shown below please get in touch with me and maybe when it is unveiled the families can be there to honour the promise made. Surmounted by a wreath, the monument reads:-

In Grateful and honoured memory of

The following men who gave their lives in the 2nd World War from the Frecheville Estate

J Ashford                                           J C Harrold                                       C Pratt

D H Beresford                                   W A Harrison                                    H Rastrick

R J Booker                                         G R Hargate                                      C A Sugden

L A Cook                                           S Head                                                G R Turner

P Cowlishaw                                      R Knott                                              E Vickers

C Haynes                                            A E Letch                                           S Watson                                                                  A P Manning



At the going down of the sun, and in the morning


Contact Bill  Carline on 0114 2397796

Anyone wishing to make a donation towards the cost of the memorial can contact Bill.

Frecheville Trees of Remembrance

A poignat and moving service to re dedicate the Trees of Remembrance on Heathfield Road , Frecheville was attended by over a 100 people last Saturday (15/3/14) including veterans, cadets and members of the local community. Nineteen trees were planted in memory of the nineteen Frecheville servicemen who gave their lives during the Second World War and there used to be a small plaque at the base of each tree but these disappeared many years ago. Cllr Bryan Lodge has been investigating some form of replacement plaque for some time and is pleased to have now secured funding to do this. With the support of his fellow Birley Councillors, Cllrs Karen McGowan and Denise Fox, funding has been identified to produce and site an interpretation board close to the trees to explain why the trees were planted.  It is also hoped to replace three trees in due course as there are currently only sixteen trees remaining.“There’s a whole generation that’s grown up without any knowledge of the significance of the trees and now is an appropriate time to redress this. I remember the Royal British Legion organised a parade to St Cyprian’s Church and the laying of wreaths afterwards at the trees on Remembrance Sunday each year and I used to take part as a Scout, along with members of the Boys Brigade, Guides and Brownies, and many members of the local community.   Sadly the parades ceased some years ago as membership dwindled within the Royal British Legion.  I’m extremely pleased that we have secured the funding and have worked with officers of the Council and the local Veteran’s Association on the wording. It was great to see so many people there including ex servicemen and women, Cadets and pupils from Birley Community College”.

Cllr Fox, Lodge and McGowan with local resident and veteran Bill Carlin

This installation of the interpretation board also ties in with the proposals of local resident and veteran Bill Carlin, seen in the photo with Cllrs McGowan, Fox and Lodge,  for a new war memorial to be built within the boundaries of the Frecheville Park and Pond. “When we were looking at getting the board installed, we became aware of Bill’s aspiration and felt that this complemented his wish. It’s fitting that everyone passing by will now be aware of the significance of the trees, maybe calling to mind the sacrifice shown by local families”.Bill is well on the way to raise the funding needed for the new war memorial and it is hoped that work will enable the new memorial to be officially unveiled in the near future.

Frechevillle Park and Pond Fun Day

Birley Ward Labour Party at Frecheville Pond and Park Fun Day
Birley Ward Labour Party at Frecheville Pond and Park Fun Day

Well done to the Friends of Frecheville Park and Pond for organising the Frecheville Park & Pond Fun Day (20 August 2012). It was great to see many members of the community out supporting the event.  There was everything from rock climbing to trying your hand at fishing.

Birley Ward Councillors Karen McGowan and Denise Fox were pleased to be able to donate £60 to the Friends Group on behalf of Birley Ward Labour Party from a £50 draw and a ‘naming the doll’ stall.  The winning number of the £50 draw was No. 28 and was won by Sherrie.  Cllr McGowan said “this event was a great success and we hope that it will continue and become a yearly event”, and Councillor Fox added “thank you to Sheffield City Councils Park Ranger Service for the work they have been doing in supporting the Friends Group and for the work at this event”.

In September you will see that the pond will be fenced off whilst major work is undertaken to strengthen the edge of the pond.  This work should take approximately two months.  If you wish to join to Friends Group or just be kept informed of what is happening please email the Chair, Leon Pedryc at

Birley Ward Labour Party Particpates in Successful Birley Federation Fun Day

Bryan Lodge, Karen McGowan and Lucky Winner at Birley Federation Fun Day
Bryan Lodge, Karen McGowan and Lucky Winner at Birley Federation Fun Day

Last Saturday saw a very successful Birley Federation Fun Day: a large number of community organisations and local businesses joined youth groups to create a memorable event which was well organised by the staff at Birley Community College and Birley Primary. There was even some sunshine!

Birley Ward Labour Party councillors and members were in attendance, with a stall that included swingball to win soft toys, spot the ball, a chance to win £50 and the opportunity to buy some beautiful hanging baskets created by our very own green-fingered maestro George MacDonald.

Councillors Karen McGowan and Brian Lodge, along with the other members of Birley Ward Labour Party present, would like to thank the staff of both schools as well as everyone else involved in the organisation of what was a great day for the whole community.

Fashion Show Fundraiser: Next Week at Club Baize, Beighton!

Next week sees the return of South-East Sheffield CLP’s legendary Fashion Show fundraiser. Organised by Councillors Karen McGowan and Denise Fox, it’s a night of fashion fun that also allows attendees to purchase high-street fashion labels at rock-bottom prices. Interested? For tickets, please contact the organisers using details on the attached leaflet. But make sure you hurry… there are only a few tickets left!

South East Sheffield CLP Fashion Show Leaflet
South East Sheffield CLP Fashion Show Leaflet

Easter Egg Hunt at Dyke Vale Road

Your local Labour Councillors support the Living with Nature programme at Dyke Vale Road and were joined today by over 75 people who took part in the Easter Egg Hunt. Councillor Karen McGowan said “it’s great to see so many young people and their families supporting this event and enjoying the area. Thank you to all those staff involved in organising today’s event”.

Living with Nature is a three year programme, funded by the Big Lottery, focussing on improvements to sites on Sheffield Homes land, which are all currently identified as Play Areas (although many have had old equipment removed in recent years). This is a partnership which involves Wildlife Trust for Sheffield & Rotherham, Sheffield City Council, the University of Sheffield, and Sheffield Homes.

The greenspace at the junction between Dyke Vale Road and Carr Forge Road is a designated play space, managed by Sheffield Homes. It is being re-developed to provide better and more exciting play opportunities, high quality public greenspace for all and improvements for wildlife and nature.

The aims of the programme are to improve the play value of the sites, and to increase their biodiversity and value to wildlife. This will be done through an intensive process of community engagement with local tenants and residents as well as existing community groups, to create a sense of local ownership of the completed facilities; increase social cohesion in the areas concerned; and to encourage people to be more involved in terms of the ongoing upkeep and positive use of their local community greenspace. For details of the site see


Sheffield Central Constituency Labour Party Fundraiser – With Shadow Chancellor Rt Hon Ed Balls MP

Sheffield Central CLP are holding a fundraiser this month, and it looks a good one! For those wishing to attend, and hear Shadow Chancellor Rt Hon Ed Balls MP speak, here are the details.

Sheffield Central Constituency Labour Party Fundraiser

Friday 20TH April 2012
7.00pm for 7.30pm

Special Guest:
Rt Hon Ed Balls MP – Shadow Chancellor

LIVE entertainment from Ken Follett and ‘ClogIron’

Sheffield College, Granville Road, Sheffield S2 2RL.

‘Pie and Pea’ supper. Please say if you want vegetarian option when you book your ticket.

Ticket: £15.00 & £7.50 young members

For more details, please contact: Jim Smith, CLP Secretary,

Cheques should be made payable to ‘Sheffield Central Constituency Labour Party’

Donations of Raffle prizes MOST WELCOME!!