On Saturday, Labour’s candidate for the vital post of South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner visited Birley Ward. Shaun Wright joined Councillor Bryan Lodge, Councillor Denise Fox, Councillor Harry Harpham and Birley Ward Labour Party Secretary Mike Drabble in touring Basegreen, where he talked to residents about their crime priorities.
Over the course of the morning many vigorous doorstep discussions took place, with residents leaving Shaun in no doubt as to the issues the police should focus on. Shaun went away with a clear idea of their concerns – including anti-social behaviour, burglaries and the impact of drugs on communities – and pledged to do his best to address them if elected. He said:
“Visiting areas such as Basegreen is extremely valuable: there’s no substitute for talking to people and learning their views on how crime affects them. Unlike the other candidates, if elected I’ll make sure I continue to listen to the people to ensure South Yorkshire Police is not only a model of efficient policing but a force that is totally responsive to the needs of the community it serves.”
Having spent time with Shaun during his campaign, we at Birley Labour Party have no hesitation in urging all inhabitants of South Yorkshire to vote for him on November 15th. He is the only candidate for South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner that will defend front-line policing, oppose privatisation of our police force, and ensure that the police serve the interests of each and every community across the county.