Streets Ahead Scheme Feedback Survey

The Streets Ahead Scheme in Sheffield is the city wide highways maintenance project currently upgrading the condition of the city’s roads, pavements, street lights, bridges and other items on or around the streets.


A feedback survey has been re-launched with the aim of asking residents what they think about the upgrades that have been carried out across the city so far.


This survey is open until the 7th October with the results available in late Autumn.


All the team at the Streets Ahead are interested in any feedback you want to share.


You can complete the survey in less than 10 minutes at the following link:



20mph Zone For Charnock

Charnock 20mph zoneFormal consultation on the Charnock Estate 20mph zone begins this week with the distribution to all homes in the area of information about the proposals. Delivery will take place between the 15th – 17th May and asks for comments back to the council by 7th June. In addition to the proposed 20mph limit throughout the estate, measures to improve safety around the school are to be introduced with tougher controls on vehicles parking on the zig zag lines.

Look out for your copy of the leaflet coming through your door. If you have any comments or concerns, please feed these in to the consultation, through the details on the form.

Further information regarding 20mph zones can be found by clicking on the following link:

Bigger Budget Cuts Destined for Sheffield – Press Release

Sheffield City Council News Release

Sheffield will have to deal with greater cuts from Government than originally anticipated which will mean tougher decisions will have to be made on where tight resources could be spent.

That is the stark but realistic warning made by Sheffield City Council leaders as they continue to plan for the budget challenges from April next year.

The local authority was bracing itself for £40m worth of Government cuts in funding for 2013/14 but now expects to have a further £10m less to spend on services and deal with additional pressures such as energy bills, rising prices and increasing demand for its services.“I am passionate about Sheffield and providing good value for money services to local people but the latest news that we will be hit even harder is a real body blow and without doubt savage and unfair,” said Cllr Julie Dore, Leader of Sheffield City Council.

“Over the last two years the Council has made £141m of cuts to services as a result of the Government’s austerity programme. That equates to around £280 for every resident in this city thanks to the reduction in grants to us as a council.

“That places added strain on already stretched resources. So now we are working hard to focus on where we can possibly spend less.

“Whilst we are unable to go into detail at the moment as we now need more time to find these savings and consider proposals to take to the public, we can be certain of one thing, things will have to change as we cannot afford to stand still.

“I will not at this moment guarantee what that change will look like, what I can guarantee is that we will continue to protect services for those people who need it the most and work with businesses and our partners to make the most of opportunities to help the local economy grow and Sheffield continues to have its sights firmly set on the brightest future possible,” she added.

The Council has already drilled down on costs and saved £6m a year on IT by using an outside contractor, a further £1m could be reduced from directors’ pay bill as part of a proposed restructure which is currently out to consultation with staff affected and saving £12m this year and a further £50m over the life of the of Streets Ahead scheme to improve and maintain the city’s roads by reorganising how it is financed to save money.

“We are under no illusion that the months ahead and indeed years, are going to be the toughest we have faced in generations thanks to a double whammy of cut upon cut by the Government, “ said Cllr Bryan Lodge, Cabinet member for Finance and Resources.

“We will do all we can to reduce our spending in a fair way and minimise the impact, where we can, on our communities, However, at the moment, there is very little that we can rule in or out as we put the spotlight on our spending. It will be tough but we hope local communities will understand the position we are now put in and wherever possible work with us,” he said.


20mph Zone Planned For Charnock

Proposals put forward by the South East Community Assembly for a 20mph zone in Charnock were approved by the Cabinet Highways Committee at it’s meeting last week. Residents have been calling for traffic calming measures for many years across the Charnock area and Labour Councillors McGowan, Fox and Lodge were successful last year in securing funding for a feasibility study to be carried out. The South East Community Assembly proposed the Charnock scheme as it’s preferred option that was considered at last week’s meeting. Although the scheme is programmed for installation in 2013/14 during the upgrade to the areas’s roads and pavements as part of the Streets Ahead project, this is a significant step forward in delivering road safety improvements and reducing speeds in the estate.  The zone will focus drivers attention on the speed limit through gateway signage and repeater messages rather than engineering solutions such as humps and cushions.

Birley Councillors Back Star Campaign for Improved Road Safety

Cllrs Bryan Lodge, Denise Fox and Karen McGowan at the junction of Thornbridge Drive and Avenue

Birley Councillors Karen McGowan, Bryan Lodge and Denise Fox are calling for action to improve road safety around the Birley Campus. Parents are concerned about the safety of their children in crossing  Thornbridge Drive to get to Birley Primary School on the campus and have asked their councillors for help to improve it. Inconsiderate parking in the area is making it very difficult for children to cross safely and the junction has been without a crossing patrol warden for some time. “This is a very busy road in the mornings as parents bring their children to the Birley Nursery, Birley Primary school and to the Birley Community College. The road is also a bus route and all these factors are combining to make it an extremely busy junction” said Cllr Karen McGowan. “I’ve met with an officer from the council’s Road Safety service and some of the parents on site recently and seen the problems first hand. It would be great to see a ‘Lollypop’ warden back on this junction and we’re working with the Council to try to recruit someone. We’d like to make the appeal through the Star for anyone interested in taking on the role, or if they know someone who might be interested, to please get in touch”. The Star’s campaign to improve road safety around schools highlighted parents concerns around the Birley Campus. Inconsiderate parking blocks junctions, narrows roads and reduces visibility, making it difficult for all pedestrians. “But it’s not just school children who are affected by this behaviour” added Cllr Bryan Lodge “all three councillors are regularly contacted by residents who find their drives blocked, verges churned up and generally inconvenienced at school start and finish times. The schools regularly remind parents about exercising care and consideration”.  Previous measures that included the installation of calming measures and a one way system have made some improvements but the volume of traffic continues to generate concerns. Cllr Denise Fox commented “We are hopeful that the new entrance to the rebuilt Community College that is being taken off Birley Lane will ease some of the problems, and we’re asking that signs to warn motorists of the schools be erected on the surrounding roads. But the biggest problem remains that of parents and their parking. Birley isn’t unique in this respect and that’s why Karen, Bryan and I are happy to add our support to The Star’s campaign to improve road safety for all children across the city”.

Birley Spa Lane / Springwater Avenue

Residents may be aware that a scheme had been put forward to improve pedestrian safety at the junction of the above roads. Consultation has taken place with local residents and schools close by and it was proposed that the scheme was implemented in the current year. Councillors Fox, McGowan and Lodge have continued to press the Highways service to ensure that this scheme does proceed.

Streets Ahead Highways Maintenance

The city council announced the award of a £2.2billion contract to Amey recently to manage the city’s highways maintenance for the next 25 years. This means that every road, and footpath will be treated to deliver a renewed and smoother surface, new or improved energy efficient street lighting provided on every road, work done on highways trees to reduce ‘nuisance’, street furniture such as railings, signs, etc renewed and all traffic signals updated. “I launched the council’s bid for this scheme when I first became a cabinet member back in 2006” saidBryan. “I’ve been closely involved in this scheme throughout it’s development so I’m really pleased by the recent announcement that work will start later in the summer. The next five and a half years will see major work across the city so we’ll be working with Amey to ensure disruption is kept to a minimum and everyone is made aware of when their area will see the work start.”

Proposed 20MPH Zone for Charnock

For many years, residents across Charnock have been campaigning for speed reductions across the area. Following changes to legislation introduced under the previous Labour government, such schemes can now be introduced at a much lower cost, without the need for humps and speed cushions. Cllr Bryan Lodge and his fellow Labour ward councillors, Karen McGowan and Denise Fox, have been pressing for a twenty zone and have recently secured funding for a feasibility study to be conducted.  “This is the first stage in preparing for a scheme to be introduced and we’re hopeful that we can persuade the South East Community Assembly to choose Charnock as its scheme for 2012/13. Traffic will always be an issue across every residential area but any steps we can take to slow it down has got to be a benefit for everyone who lives in the area”. SaidBryan

Dropped Kerb Woes

Cllr Karen McGowan, Mr Doug Hancock, Cllr Denise Fox & Cllr Bryan Lodge

 Birley ward Councillors Bryan Lodge, Denise Fox and Karen McGowan recently met up with Basegreen resident Mr Doug Hancock after he told them about problems facing mobility scooter users. “I’m grateful for the dropped kerbs that have been put in but they sometimes get blocked by parked cars” said Doug. “I’m not blaming drivers as they probably don’t realise that they are blocking them, but I wondered if there was anything that could be done to make it more obvious”. Bryan, Denise and Karen have arranged for a white ‘H’ marking to be installed to keep the area clear. Commenting on the news, Cllr Bryan Lodge said “As Doug points out, drivers don’t always realise the problem. I suppose until you’re faced with these types of problems, like many local residents who use mobility scooters, you don’t fully appreciate how hard it can be to get up the kerb. I tried to lift Doug’s scooter and it’s not that easy. I’m sure that drivers will respect the markings when they are put in and help to make life a little easier for everyone”

New Road Safety Measures at Charnock School


A much safer pedestrian access to Charnock School is to be put in place over the Easter school holidays thanks to the drive and commitment of a group of parents. Birley ward councillors, Bryan Lodge, Denise Fox and Karen McGowan have been working with the parents and officers from the council’s South East Community Assembly and Road Safety Teams to deliver improved pedestrian access to the school off Carter Hall Lane. A dedicated pedestrian footway is to be marked out, with yellow ‘Keep Clear’ and zig-zags also added to help maintain a safe entrance and exit to the school. “Cars parked close to the school gate have been making it difficult for the children and parents using this entrance.  With a dedicated footpath and clearer visibility around the entrance, the risk of injury is reduced and everyone will be much safer” said Cllr Bryan Lodge.  
Cllrs McGowan, Fox and Lodge view the current access route