Councillors with the Fire Cadets and Police

It was a miserable, damp and rainy Saturday morning but that did not deter the local Frecheville residents, Fire Service Cadets and police who joined the Birley Ward Councillors in cleaning up a large area of Jaunty Park. This initiative came about through a couple of residents raising concerns about fires, litter and general anti-social behaviour in park land behind Longstone Crescent. The litter pick is a follow on to work done two weeks previously by Councillors, a resident, Fire Service and Police in talking to pupils in assemblies at Birley Academy on the dangers of fire and the consequences of a criminal record.

Councillor Karen McGowan said “The response from everyone especially the local residents and the fire cadets was fantastic and I can not thank them enough. It was terrible weather but everyone did a great job”.

Councillor Bryan Lodge said “ the enthusiasm was great, residents retained some of the litter pick equipment so they can continue cleaning up the area which we are happy to support”.

Councillor McGowan added “the most encouraging part is the willingness of the local residents to form a Community Group to look after this area and some great ideas where discussed such as working with the wildlife trust to educate people on the different species of trees and animals that can be found here and creating seats areas for people to enjoy the area”.

Councillor Denise Fox said “We could not have done this without support from everyone that attended including the Councils Parks & Countryside Department who provided equipment and collected the waste. Also Ruth from the Remember When Café on Silkstone Crescent who provided warm drinks and buns. It was a real community effort and we look forward to supporting and working with the new community group in the future ”.

Birley Environmental Group – First meeting a success!

Environmental - Birley

Thanks to all those who came to this evenings public discussion regarding a Birley Environmental Group.


Councillors Bryan Lodge, Karen McGowan and Denise Fox were all in attendance and answered questions from members of the public, before the evening turned into a group session on what current problems the community faces and how these can be addressed in future.


A second meeting will be held in January 2016. If you would like to get involved please keep checking our website for updates.

Birley Blitz event at Hackenthorpe Skate Park on 31 October 2013

This is your invitation to join the third Birley Blitz event on Thursday 31 October.
Your local Councillors have joined together with the East Youth Forum, Sheffield Youth Justice Service and Sheffield City Council Parks and Countryside Department to undertake a litter pick around the Hackenthorpe Skate Park area. We hope that litter picking events become a regular feature around the Birley Ward. Please come and join us everyone is welcome.

We will be meeting at 1.30 p.m. at Hackenthorpe Skate Park. From 2.30- 3 p.m. light refreshments will be available in Rother Valley Church on Spa View Road. From 3-5 p.m. your local Labour Councillors along with members of the East Youth Forum will be on a walkabout around the area to talk to residents if they have any issues.

Birley Ward Councillors Hold Roving Surgery on Fox Lane and Jaunty Estate

Councillor Bryan Lodge, Councillor Karen McGowan and PCSO Roger Shalome
Councillor Bryan Lodge, Councillor Karen McGowan and PCSO Roger Shalome

As part of the preparations for the successful Birley Blitz litter-picking event, Birley ward Councillors Bryan Lodge and Karen McGowan held a roving surgery on roads surrounding Jaunty Park. Unlike normal sugeries, where constituents come to the councillors, in a roving surgery the councillors walk round the area, assessing potential problems and talking to residents. This time they had the support of local PCSO Roger Shalome, who was able to give advice to residents on issues concerned with crime and public order.

The roving surgery was very successful, with the team able to meet many residents and deal with the issues that concern them. Further, they noticed an overgrown footpath which they were able to bring to the attention of Amey, with the result that it is now cleared and suitable for public use once more!

Councillor Karen McGowan said: ‘It was good to get out and meet local residents and talk to them about how we can all improve our community. We certainly had many useful discussions today about what can be done.’

Councillor Bryan Lodge added: ‘These roving surgeries are essential as they allow us to get out and see people where they live. Residents of other parts of Birley Ward should look out for us as we’ll be doing more walkabouts very soon. You don’t just see us at election time!’

Birley Blitz is a Great Success

Birley BlitzPhoto taken by Peter Wolstenholme

The first Birley Blitz event took place on Thursday 25 July. In response to complaints of litter in Jaunty Park by local residents your local Labour Councillors have joined together with local residents, the Youth Justice Service, staff from Parks and Country side, Sheffield Futures and the East Youth Forum. Also helping out on the day were Richmond Ward Councillor Lynn Rooney and Clive Betts, Labour MP for South East Sheffield.

Councillor Karen McGowan said “a big thank you to all those who took part, they worked extremely hard and we managed to collect over 50 bags as well as some other more unusual items such as a headboard, a carpet, a leather jacket to name but a few.”

Staff and young people from the Sheffield Youth Justice Service participated in the Birley Blitz – ‘keeping our communities clean and green’. Armed with gloves, brushes, bags, barrows and litter picks this was an opportunity for young people working with the Youth Justice Service to make a restorative contribution to the local area whilst also developing links with local residents and increasing their awareness of environmental issues. A lavish spread was provided and prepared by other Youth Justice staff and young people which was a welcome sight at lunch time for hot and hungry volunteers.

Sheffield Futures East Youth Forum joined in the Birley Blitz to clean up Jaunty Park as litter is one of their priorities this year. Ryan Pickersgill is taking the lead in this area on behalf of the East Youth Forum and said “we are here representing all young people of the East to keep the area clean and tidy. I hope in the future that people will use bins and also come and join us in future clean ups”

Councillor Bryan Lodge said “It was a great turn out for this first event and I hope people will join us for the next Birley Blitz event which will be on Saturday 14 September 2013. We will be meeting at Scowerdons Community Centre at 10 a.m. the event will end at 1 p.m. and everyone is welcome”.

Community working with McDonalds on Litter Picking Event

McDonald's Drakehouse Litter Pick 21-7-13 (2)Birley Ward Labour Councillor Karen McGowan and Beighton Ward Councillor Ian Saunders joined staff from McDonalds at Drakehouse on Sunday 21 July. They were also joined by the young people from the East Youth Forum and members of the community to litter pick main roads in the Beighton, Waterthorpe, Sothall areas. Councillor McGowan said “It was amazing to see how much litter was collected in such a short space of time. I initially thought the majority of litter would be from take away food but this wasn’t the case. The largest amounts came from plastic bottles, cans and cigarette packets. We collected over 40 bags and McDonalds litter made up less than 10% of what we collected. I would like to thank everyone who took part for getting up on a Sunday morning they all worked very hard and made me feel very welcome.”