Discovering the location of the Plaque

Florence Staniforth a pupil at Gleadless Primary school discovered a plaque in Jaunty Park whilst out walking. The plaque was marking the planting of a tree by The Lady Mayoress 1975-1976. Elsie and Albert Richardson were the Lord Mayor & Lady Mayoress in 1976. Albert was a councillor and they lived on Basegreen. Birley Ward Councillors Karen McGowan and Bryan Lodge met with Florence, her mum and SCC Parks & Countryside Officer to show them the plaque. It has now been agreed that the plaque will be re-sited to a more suitable location within the park. Councillors are grateful to Florence and her family for finding this and bringing it to their attention.

Further update on Elsie & Albert Richardson

Following on from the previous post on the plaque found in Jaunty Park.

Councillor Peter Price has been on Sheffield City Council for 48 years and knew Elsie & Albert Richardson. He said that Elsie Richardson was also a Councillor for the Birley Ward in 1967 and stood down in 1974 on its reorganisation. She may have been the Councillor before 1967 but he can’t find any records.

Albert Richardson lost the Moor seat in 1960 to the Tories. He won the Handsworth seat in in 1964 and then on the Local Government reorganisation he won the new Gleadless Ward in 1974 the year Elsie stood down. He was elected Lord Mayor in 1975

Albert was one of the Founding Members of the Sheffield Woodcraft Folk back in the early 1920’s. The following information is from which states “The Woodcraft Folk has always been “committed to issues of social justice, pacifism and the principles of cooperation” and described itself in 1930 as a “powerful educational instrument”. A slogan of Woodcraft Folk is Span the world with friendship, it also uses “Education for Social Change” in its publicity and also constitutional documents.
Woodcraft Folk is not based upon any particular religious belief or national identity. The core values are that irrespective of social background, status, age, gender, sexual orientation etc. all members have an equal say in the decision making process. The organisation welcomes all young people whether they have a religious background or none and much of its work emphasises the importance of international understanding and friendship. The principles of peace and co-operation are therefore central to everything they do and they endeavour to develop members to have an understanding of some of the issues behind global poverty and conflict in the belief in fashioning a new, better world.”

Albert was also very active in The Sheffield Ramblers Federation where the ‘Abbey Brook Trespass’ emerged, a few months after the Kinder Trespass. It never gets the same publicity as Kinder does but many thousands took part.

Pete thinks Elsie was also an active member of the Woodcraft both she and Albert loved telling them all the story that they had an Official Woodcraft Folk Wedding. He can’t seem to find any records of it but they did have photographs.

His final comments are that “They were both great socialists”. Further information will be posted when uncovered.

Birley Litter Pick Award Ceremony

The Birley Ward Councillors Karen McGowan and Denise Fox invited the Lord Mayor of Sheffield Councillor Ann Murphy to an Award Ceremony held at Birley Fire Station on Tuesday 13th March 2018 at 7 pm. Councillor Karen McGowan said “I’d like to thank the local residents who brought the issues of anti-social behaviour to our attention and for working with us to make a difference and tackle this issue”.

The award ceremony was a follow on to work done previously by Councillors, residents, Fire Service and Police in talking to pupils in assemblies at Birley Academy on the dangers of fire and the consequences of a criminal record and was followed up by a litter pick of the area.

Certificates were handed out to all the young people that helped at the litter pick on 10 February this included the Fire Service Cadets and the local young people. Councillor Denise Fox said “we really appreciate the time and effort these young people gave on the day to help us clear the area in Jaunty Park. It is a beautiful area full of wild life and is right on the doorstep for the local community to enjoy”. The next step will be a meeting for those residents interested in forming a friends group. Councillor Karen McGowan said “It is great that residents have come together and want to now form a friends group to develop the site for the whole community.”

Community comes together to tidy Local Park

Litter pick (2)

Photography by Peter Wolstenholme

On Saturday afternoon a group of over thirty local volunteers led by the Birley Ward Labour Party removed nearly sixty bags of litter from Jaunty Park. The fifth time a ‘Birley Blitz’ event has brought the community together to make a real impact in Sheffield.

The volunteers included local labour councillors Karen McGowan, Bryan Lodge and Denise Fox, as well councillors Mike Drabble and Lynn Rooney from Arbourthorne and Richmond wards. The East Youth Forum, Sheffield Youth Justice Service, Labour Party members, local residents and Labour Parliamentary Candidate for Sheffield Heeley Louise Haigh rounded off the volunteers. All taking time out of their day to spend over two hours collecting litter and helping make the park a cleaner and safer place for everyone to enjoy.

The grey clouds did little to put off any of the volunteers according to Councillor Bryan Fox who said it was fantastic to see so many people come together, and that it was really encouraging to see the amount of litter actually being dropped in the area was reducing compared to the amount removed during the last Birley Blitz litter pick. Evidencing the positive differences the Birley Ward Labour Party is having in Jaunty Park and across the Birley area.

Local resident Janet Betts pulled on a pair of gloves and grabbed a litter picker to help out, afterwards with a smile on her face she said the event was ‘a great atmosphere with everyone digging in together to make a real difference to the area’.

A special thanks is also extended to Sheffield Parks and Countryside for providing equipment and removing the litter filled black sacks, to Peter Wolstenholme for taking photographs of the hard working volunteers, and finally to Sheffield Housing Services for providing a free of charge room for everyone to enjoy a much deserved tea and cake afterwards.

Birley Ward Councillors Hold Roving Surgery on Fox Lane and Jaunty Estate

Councillor Bryan Lodge, Councillor Karen McGowan and PCSO Roger Shalome
Councillor Bryan Lodge, Councillor Karen McGowan and PCSO Roger Shalome

As part of the preparations for the successful Birley Blitz litter-picking event, Birley ward Councillors Bryan Lodge and Karen McGowan held a roving surgery on roads surrounding Jaunty Park. Unlike normal sugeries, where constituents come to the councillors, in a roving surgery the councillors walk round the area, assessing potential problems and talking to residents. This time they had the support of local PCSO Roger Shalome, who was able to give advice to residents on issues concerned with crime and public order.

The roving surgery was very successful, with the team able to meet many residents and deal with the issues that concern them. Further, they noticed an overgrown footpath which they were able to bring to the attention of Amey, with the result that it is now cleared and suitable for public use once more!

Councillor Karen McGowan said: ‘It was good to get out and meet local residents and talk to them about how we can all improve our community. We certainly had many useful discussions today about what can be done.’

Councillor Bryan Lodge added: ‘These roving surgeries are essential as they allow us to get out and see people where they live. Residents of other parts of Birley Ward should look out for us as we’ll be doing more walkabouts very soon. You don’t just see us at election time!’

Birley Blitz is a Great Success

Birley BlitzPhoto taken by Peter Wolstenholme

The first Birley Blitz event took place on Thursday 25 July. In response to complaints of litter in Jaunty Park by local residents your local Labour Councillors have joined together with local residents, the Youth Justice Service, staff from Parks and Country side, Sheffield Futures and the East Youth Forum. Also helping out on the day were Richmond Ward Councillor Lynn Rooney and Clive Betts, Labour MP for South East Sheffield.

Councillor Karen McGowan said “a big thank you to all those who took part, they worked extremely hard and we managed to collect over 50 bags as well as some other more unusual items such as a headboard, a carpet, a leather jacket to name but a few.”

Staff and young people from the Sheffield Youth Justice Service participated in the Birley Blitz – ‘keeping our communities clean and green’. Armed with gloves, brushes, bags, barrows and litter picks this was an opportunity for young people working with the Youth Justice Service to make a restorative contribution to the local area whilst also developing links with local residents and increasing their awareness of environmental issues. A lavish spread was provided and prepared by other Youth Justice staff and young people which was a welcome sight at lunch time for hot and hungry volunteers.

Sheffield Futures East Youth Forum joined in the Birley Blitz to clean up Jaunty Park as litter is one of their priorities this year. Ryan Pickersgill is taking the lead in this area on behalf of the East Youth Forum and said “we are here representing all young people of the East to keep the area clean and tidy. I hope in the future that people will use bins and also come and join us in future clean ups”

Councillor Bryan Lodge said “It was a great turn out for this first event and I hope people will join us for the next Birley Blitz event which will be on Saturday 14 September 2013. We will be meeting at Scowerdons Community Centre at 10 a.m. the event will end at 1 p.m. and everyone is welcome”.