Birley Spa lunch club on the lookout for new volunteers

Birley Spa lunch club is on the hunt for new volunteers so that it can continue providing twice weekly sessions to 39 local older people at Hackenthorpe Community Centre.

Birley Spa lunch club receives grant funding from the council and provides a hot, two course meal to its members twice a week. Those who attend enjoy the time to chat and meet friends, play bingo and go out on day trips together.

After years of running the lunch club, the current club organiser, who has volunteered their time freely until now, is stepping down at the end of May, welcoming a retirement from the role. The club has made a real difference to the lives of its members and all those that have been involved in the running of the club.

Unfortunately there isn’t a volunteer team to hand over the running of the club to and the last lunch will be on Wednesday 30th May unless new volunteers step forward. It’s an opportunity for the local community to get together and think about what they’d like to enjoy and run in their area.

Sheffield City Council has supported the development of more than 50 lunch clubs for many years, recognising the important role these clubs play in helping to reduce the social isolation that may accompany old age, frailty and bereavement. The majority of the clubs are independent self-help groups run by older people for older people. They offer an opportunity for older people to meet together, to share a meal and socialise.

If anyone would like to volunteer to set up a new club, Adele Hunt, Voluntary Sector Liaison Officer at Sheffield City Council can provide information on what’s involved in running a club and what skills and commitment are needed. She can offer information and contacts on a range of topics such as working out a budget, health and safety laws, membership referrals, fundraising, equipment needed, volunteer inductions, club constitutions, activities and record keeping. Although the current grant fund isn’t open to new applications, a new club in Birley could be supported with an interim grant subject to meeting funding criteria and having volunteers who can be financially accountable for funding.

Adele said: “We would love new volunteers to come forward with some exciting ideas. There is no restriction on which day of the week the club should run or what other activities they could provide to members. Everything is an option if somebody has the idea and commitment to make it happen.”

Jim Steinke, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Community Safety said: “Lunch clubs play an important role in our local communities and rely on volunteers to make sure that they continue. Feedback shows that the regular opportunity to meet and chat is one of the most important things members value and for some, the weekly lunch club is their only opportunity to socialise. We hope that Birley Spa lunch club stays open because of the difference it makes to its local community.”

Adele can be contacted on 0114 273 4631 by anyone interested in setting up a new club in Birley.

Birley Spa Lunch Club

Hackenthorpe community centre
Birley Ward Labour Councillor Karen McGowan and Maria Flude, an Officer from Voluntary Action Sheffield visited the Birley Spa Lunch Club at Hackenthorpe Community Centre on 8 July. Over 45 people attend and have lunch prepared and served through the South Yorkshire Probation Trust Community Payback scheme. Under the scheme courts can sentence offenders of certain crimes to undertake between 40 and 300 hours of work for the community. It’s unpaid work carried out by offenders in the community, and is a national scheme delivered locally by South Yorkshire Probation Trust.

Councillor McGowan met the two key organisers Joan and Lily who themselves are pensioners and said “these ladies are amazing they do an excellent job in keeping this club going. Many of these older people wouldn’t get out if it wasn’t for clubs like these it’s not just about the food (although this is excellent value at £3 for two courses) but it’s the social side of being able to play bingo and talk to people.”

If anyone is interested in volunteering at this lunch club or anywhere else in the city or wanting information on the nearest lunch club for them please contact
Maria Flude – Tel: 0114 2536698 or email:

Summer Activites from Sheffield Futures.

The Sheffield Futures East Team have released details of activities planned during the school holidays. Details of events that may be of interest to young people within the Birley Ward include sessions at Hackenthorpe Community Centre, Four Wells Drive on Tuesday evenings between 6:30pm – 8:30pm. A number of special sessions are planned around internet safety, guns and knive crime and bike crime. Further details are available from

Sheffield Futures Community Youth Team Eastlogo_sheffieldFutures

Unit C7 Alison Business Centre

39/40 Alison Crescent


S2 1AS

Tel: 01142835927


Public event on Streets Ahead Improvement works in Hackenthorpe & Frecheville

Amey are holding public roadshow events to publicise the Streets Ahead improvement works to be carried out in the Hackenthorpe and Frecheville area starting this year.

The roadshow event will take place on the 16th April at the Hackenthorpe Community Centre on Four Wells Drive from 2.30-6.30pm. It is a drop-in session so residents and businesses can attend at any time between 2.30 and 6.30pm.

B74The roadshow dates will shortly be put on the Streets Ahead web pages on the Sheffield Council website at the link below

Christmas Comes Early in Hackenthorpe

Last Saturday saw Christmas celebrations arrive early in Hackenthorpe when the Community Centre held their christmas Fair.  On the first Saturday of the month, your Labour Councillors hold a surgery in the centre during the coffee morning but this month was a little special. ” The coffee mornings are always well attended but there were many more people around this month” said Cllr Karen McGowan. The centre was trimmed up and festive music was playing throughout. ” All three of us enjoy coming to the coffee mornings as there’s always a good atmosphere. With the carol singing and decorations, it had a real Christmasy feel. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves” added Cllr Bryan Lodge. The centre had a number of stalls along with refreshments, with the ladies in the kitchen doing a roaring trade in bacon sandwiches and hot drinks. ”  Next time you’re around the shops on the first Saturday of the month, why not call in for a drink and a chat? We’d love to see you” said Cllr Denise Fox

Regular Events at Hackenthorpe Community Centre

Hackenthorpe Community Centre has a programme of regular events, with something for all members of the community. For details, please see the following flyer, which also includes contact details. Those wishing to download a full copy of the flyer – which includes an order form allowing application for any of the activities listed – may do so from the link at the bottom of this post.

Hackenthorpe Community Centre Activities 1
Hackenthorpe Community Centre Activities 1

Download Hackenthorpe Flyer