The Birley Ward councillors raised concerns with Sheffield Trading Standards regarding the Anti-Social Behaviour with fireworks around Frecheville Park and Pond. We were concerned as to how and where the young people obtained the fireworks from. Trading Standards have responded outlining the following action being undertaken as follows: “Each year, Trading Standards work in partnership with South Yorkshire Police and South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service to tackle the issues around firework safety and anti-social behaviour arising from the unlawful supply of fireworks from both retail and domestic premises. This multi-agency approach is required as each agency has its own responsibilities under the applicable legislation.
This year, due to Sheffield’s Tier 3 status and associated Covid-19 risks to our young volunteer, we have been unable to carry out our usual programme of test purchasing for fireworks. We have instead agreed with South Yorkshire Police, for one of our enforcement officers and a police officer to carry out advisory visits to retail premises to remind sellers of their responsibilities and legal obligations. All fireworks retailers will receive a letter to reinforce the message and informing retailers of the effects of fireworks misuse on local residents as well as the legal requirements.
Both officers are aware of the particular issues raised in your locality and will be visiting all premises selling fireworks in the vicinity over the next two days to give a strong message to retailers in the area.”