Discovering the location of the Plaque

Florence Staniforth a pupil at Gleadless Primary school discovered a plaque in Jaunty Park whilst out walking. The plaque was marking the planting of a tree by The Lady Mayoress 1975-1976. Elsie and Albert Richardson were the Lord Mayor & Lady Mayoress in 1976. Albert was a councillor and they lived on Basegreen. Birley Ward Councillors Karen McGowan and Bryan Lodge met with Florence, her mum and SCC Parks & Countryside Officer to show them the plaque. It has now been agreed that the plaque will be re-sited to a more suitable location within the park. Councillors are grateful to Florence and her family for finding this and bringing it to their attention.

Birley Blitz Litter Pick 9 February 2019

On 9th February the Birley Ward Councillors were joined by Hackenthorpe Litter Picks and Owlthorpe Forum to litter pick on Silkstone Road. Councillor Denise Fox said “although it was a very windy day the turn out from Hackenthorpe Litter Pickers and Owlthorpe Forum meant we were able to clear a lot of litter from the street and wooded area. We retrieved lots of cans, bottles, litter as well as plastic garden furniture and carpets” Councillor Karen McGowan added “it was disappointing that no local residents joined us, we hear a lot of complaints from residents about litter so we organised this litter pick in response to people’s concerns”. The Birley ward councillors would like to thank the Hackenthorpe Litter Pickers, Owlthorpe Forum and Sheffield City Councils Parks & Countryside Department for supporting this event.

We need your help to stop fly-tipping and to keep our communities clean of litter. Any evidence you can provide would also be considered such as vehicle registration number (you can report this anonymously). If you see any fly-tipping you can:

Telephone: 0114 2744567
Or contact one of your local labour councillors

For more information see

Speeding on Fox Lane

Residents contacted Councillor Denise Fox regarding issues of speeding vehicles on Fox Lane. The brow of the hill makes it dangerous for residents entering or leaving their driveways. Councillor Fox was joined by Councillor Karen McGowan when she set up a community speed watch session with the police on 14 September Councillor Fox is also working with officers to get the speed reduced from 40 mph to 30 mph in this location.

Birley Spa Primary School visit to the Town Hall

On Friday 11 May Councillors Karen McGowan and Denise Fox arranged for the School Council from Birley Spa Primary School to visit the Town Hall. They were shown round by the Lord Mayor Councillor Anne Murphy and they visited the Lord Mayors Parlour and the Council Chamber. Councillor Karen McGowan said “the children were so engaged, they asked the Lord Mayor some really good questions” and Councillor Denise Fox added “they were so well behaved they were a real pleasure to meet.” The school thanked the Lord Mayor and the Councillor for arranging the visit and for giving up their time.

Birley Litter Pick Award Ceremony

The Birley Ward Councillors Karen McGowan and Denise Fox invited the Lord Mayor of Sheffield Councillor Ann Murphy to an Award Ceremony held at Birley Fire Station on Tuesday 13th March 2018 at 7 pm. Councillor Karen McGowan said “I’d like to thank the local residents who brought the issues of anti-social behaviour to our attention and for working with us to make a difference and tackle this issue”.

The award ceremony was a follow on to work done previously by Councillors, residents, Fire Service and Police in talking to pupils in assemblies at Birley Academy on the dangers of fire and the consequences of a criminal record and was followed up by a litter pick of the area.

Certificates were handed out to all the young people that helped at the litter pick on 10 February this included the Fire Service Cadets and the local young people. Councillor Denise Fox said “we really appreciate the time and effort these young people gave on the day to help us clear the area in Jaunty Park. It is a beautiful area full of wild life and is right on the doorstep for the local community to enjoy”. The next step will be a meeting for those residents interested in forming a friends group. Councillor Karen McGowan said “It is great that residents have come together and want to now form a friends group to develop the site for the whole community.”


Councillors with the Fire Cadets and Police

It was a miserable, damp and rainy Saturday morning but that did not deter the local Frecheville residents, Fire Service Cadets and police who joined the Birley Ward Councillors in cleaning up a large area of Jaunty Park. This initiative came about through a couple of residents raising concerns about fires, litter and general anti-social behaviour in park land behind Longstone Crescent. The litter pick is a follow on to work done two weeks previously by Councillors, a resident, Fire Service and Police in talking to pupils in assemblies at Birley Academy on the dangers of fire and the consequences of a criminal record.

Councillor Karen McGowan said “The response from everyone especially the local residents and the fire cadets was fantastic and I can not thank them enough. It was terrible weather but everyone did a great job”.

Councillor Bryan Lodge said “ the enthusiasm was great, residents retained some of the litter pick equipment so they can continue cleaning up the area which we are happy to support”.

Councillor McGowan added “the most encouraging part is the willingness of the local residents to form a Community Group to look after this area and some great ideas where discussed such as working with the wildlife trust to educate people on the different species of trees and animals that can be found here and creating seats areas for people to enjoy the area”.

Councillor Denise Fox said “We could not have done this without support from everyone that attended including the Councils Parks & Countryside Department who provided equipment and collected the waste. Also Ruth from the Remember When Café on Silkstone Crescent who provided warm drinks and buns. It was a real community effort and we look forward to supporting and working with the new community group in the future ”.

Speeding Vehicles on Linley Lane

In response to complaints by local residents on speeding vehicles on Linley Lane Councillors Karen McGowan & Denise Fox held a speed watch session on 6 December with police.

Councillor Karen McGowan said “firstly I’d like to thank the residents for raising their concerns and to the police for supporting us with this activity. In the hour that we were present we recorded vehicles doing up to 55 mph which is way above the 30 mph allowed. This is a danger for anyone trying to cross the road as well as other road users and we urge drivers to slow down. To further support this work we are also moving the Birley Ward Speed Indicator Device (SID) to Linley Lane”.

Councillor Denise Fox added “Thank you to the residents who brought us flasks of coffee out which was very welcome as it was a cold morning”.


Councillor Karen McGowan with Help Us Help volunteers

Councillor Karen McGowan joined volunteers to promote Help Us Help which is a collaboration between services who support those who find themselves homeless or begging. Many have complex needs and Sheffield services have the experience to address these issues. Councillor McGowan said “I am member of the Safer & Stronger Communities Scrutiny on Sheffield City Council and in November 2017 we had a report on Street Culture. I knew there was support in Sheffield but I was so impressed by the work the charities are doing and how they are all working together with Sheffield City Council. When I heard about the Help Us Help I just wanted to show my support by volunteering to promote the good work being done in partnership”. There is a website that has been designed to educate and help inform members of the public about:

• What support is available, housing, food, health etc
• Which charities operate in Sheffield
• What commissioned services are available
• How people can help, volunteering, donating items, financial donation to preferred charities
• Improving the help for people on the streets

The reasons behind this are that there are lots of myths about vulnerability in Sheffield, we want to raise awareness and to promote the great work of the locally based charities. You can help by:

1. Give time or donations to charities that provide support – research shows that giving money directly to people who beg can do more harm than good.
2. Have a chat with someone and encourage them to access support services.
3. Give food or a drink rather than money. Some local outlets run pay in advance schemes
4. Buy a Big Issue – vendors buy The Big Issue North and then sell it on to their customers. Vendors are working, not begging and need public support.

To find out more and to support Help Us Help see

Happy 60th Anniversary to St John Fisher Primary School

St John Fisher School 60th

On Friday 23 June Birley Ward Councillors Denise Fox and Karen McGowan joined the Lord Mayor of Sheffield Councillor Anne Murphy to celebrate 60 years of St John Fisher Primary School. The event was very well supported by pupils and there parents. Councillor McGowan said “it was great fun seeing all the teachers dressed up in 60’s style clothing.” Councillor Denise Fox said “even the Headteacher joined in dressing up” he is in the middle with the bright patterned shirt.

Friends of Jaunty Park Bulb Planting

href=”″ rel=”attachment wp-att-1493″>bulb-planting


On 28 November the newly formed Friends of Jaunty Park were joined by Birley and Richmond Ward Councillors, Sheffield Parks & Countryside staff and pupils from Gleadless Primary School to plant 2300 bulbs. Birley Ward Councillor Karen McGowan said "it is great to work with volunteers to make our communities a nicer and brighter place that everyone can enjoy". Bulbs were planted around the Frith Road Community Centre and the fruits of our labour will be seen in early spring next year. Richmond Ward Councillors Dianne Hurst and Mike Drabble said "the pupils from Gleadaless Primary school were outstanding, they worked hard in both the digging and planting and were a real credit to the school".

Birley Ward support No to Grammar Schools Campaign

Spot the Birley Ward Councillor Karen McGowan (centre of picture just peeping out from behind a guy with glasses!)


Birley Ward member Ken Curran amongst supporters of the campaign

It was great to see such fantastic support at the campaign to say no to Grammar Schools that was held outside the Sheffield Town Hall yesterday. Over 600 signature were collected.

Lord Mayors Launch of Nightstop in Sheffield



On Friday 16 September Councillor Karen McGowan, Cabinet Assistant for Housing and Planning attended the launch of Nightstop in Sheffield. This event was officially launch by the Lord Mayor of Sheffield Birley Ward Councillor Denise Fox.

Nightstop provides overnight accommodation in the homes of trained and vetted volunteers in the area. The Nightstop service is designed to stop young people, aged from 16 to 25, entering the cycle of homelessness and unemployment that can lead to this devastating outcome. Nightstop teams work with homeless young people, in partnership with local agencies, to help them address the issues that caused them to become homeless, providing family mediation and securing long-term settled accommodation.

At the launch attendees heard from a family who had been volunteering for 2 years and from a young person who said he had only been homeless for 11 nights thanks to Nightstop who helped him get his life back on track, but he didn’t know what would have happened if the volunteers hadn’t been there to help him.

The new service, is funded by a £200,000 grant from players of People’s Postcode Lottery. They are aiming to recruit 45 volunteer hosts to provide around 400 nights of accommodation in its first year. Once the service is established in Sheffield they are hoping to expand across South Yorkshire.

If you would like to find out more about volunteering for Nightstop Sheffield, please call 0114 278 7152 or email For more details and photo’s see the facebook page