Streets Ahead Scheme Feedback Survey

The Streets Ahead Scheme in Sheffield is the city wide highways maintenance project currently upgrading the condition of the city’s roads, pavements, street lights, bridges and other items on or around the streets.


A feedback survey has been re-launched with the aim of asking residents what they think about the upgrades that have been carried out across the city so far.


This survey is open until the 7th October with the results available in late Autumn.


All the team at the Streets Ahead are interested in any feedback you want to share.


You can complete the survey in less than 10 minutes at the following link:



Birley Ward Stall at the Basegreen Shops – 10th September

Your Birley Ward Councillors will be holding a stall outside the shops at Basegreen, Jaunty Way on 10th September between 10am and 12 noon.  Everyone is welcome to stop by for a chat as we want to:


  • Talk to as many local residents as possible


  • Provide more information on the recently formed Environmental Group and their plans of a litter pick in October in Jaunty Park.


  • Offer Crime Prevention Packs to residents who haven’t previously received one from the supply we have left.


  • Answer any questions you may have on whats happening in your local area


If you are free and interested in coming along, we want to encourage everyone to come and talk about any of the above issues, any other others you may have, and share all ideas on what we can do in the community.

The Cygnets are going strong!



Anybody who has walked around the Frecheville pond recently will have seen that we have a family of young cygnets that have recently joined us.


Since their birth unfortunately one didn’t make it but we still have 6 that have made the pond their home.


Thanks to everyone who uses and looks after the pond and park area, it is down to you that the pond is such an inviting area to both humans and animals alike!


And a special mention to the Friends of Frecheville Park and Pond for all their hard work in maintaining the area.

Congratulations to all Sheffield Half Marathon runners!

The Birley Ward Labour Party would like to congratulate all of today’s Sheffield Half Marathon runners!


A great big well done to all those who took part in both the half marathon and the fun run, and a great big thank you to all the sponsors and supporters who were out in full force to cheer on the runners!


The results are now available online and can be found at the following link:


Half Marathon

New Meeting Dates Announced for 2016

We have announced the first few meeting dates for 2016.


They will all be on Tuesday nights, starting at 7.30pm. The dates will be:


  • Tuesday 19th January 2016
  • Tuesday 16th February 2016
  • Tuesday 15th March 2016


Unless posted otherwise, the meetings will be held at the Hollinsend Cricket Club, Fox Lane, Sheffield, S12 4WW.


Everyone is welcome to attend, both current Labour members and local residents who are interested in finding out more from our local Councillors.



Birley Environmental Group – Public Discussion

On Wednesday 18th November at the Frecheville Library there will be a public meeting discussing the green and open spaces of the Birley Ward. Everyone is invited to attend. We will be sharing ideas on how local people can work together and take pride in our many green and open spaces. If you have any ideas on how our local environment could be improved and want to get involved, or are simply interested in learning more, please come along.

South East Poster 18th November 2015


New War Memorial For Frecheville

Bill CarlinBill Carlin, a resident of Frecheville is seeking support to build a new war memorial in Frecheville. Below is information that Bill has supplied regarding his appeal.


Frecheville – Memorial Appeal

I have been a Frecheville Lad all my life, and having served in the RAF in the Second World War I was proud to have known many servicemen who returned from the onslaught of many battles and events between 1939 and 1945. It was an honour to have served along with them and many people from Frecheville at that time were rightly proud of the commitment they gave. Next year of course will see the 100th year of commemorations of the start of the War to End All Wars and in 2015 it will be 70 years since the end of the sequel to that event World War two.  Every year at Armistice I have attended parades and the war time members are getting fewer and fewer.

Some of them of course did not return having paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Frecheville was no different and The People of Frecheville erected a small but meaningful monument to 19 young men who made the ultimate Sacrifice which is tucked away in the Frecheville Community Centre. Out of site to most but never the less erected with pride in order that they were not forgotten.

Sadly that small tribute to their bravery seems lost to those of us that still remember them, and I wonder if the people of Frecheville today know who they were, of the price they paid or the fact that there is a memorial. I would dearly love to erect another replacement monument outside the centre near the trees that still grow in their name leading to the centre.

I would love to make contact with the families of those 19 service men to let them know, they are not forgotten. When I have drummed up the support and the necessary permissions I would like to raise a small but perhaps more appropriate monument bearing their names at the back of the centre and overlooking Frecheville pond.

If you are a relative of these brave men shown below please get in touch with me and maybe when it is unveiled the families can be there to honour the promise made. Surmounted by a wreath, the monument reads:-

In Grateful and honoured memory of

The following men who gave their lives in the 2nd World War from the Frecheville Estate

J Ashford                                           J C Harrold                                       C Pratt

D H Beresford                                   W A Harrison                                    H Rastrick

R J Booker                                         G R Hargate                                      C A Sugden

L A Cook                                           S Head                                                G R Turner

P Cowlishaw                                      R Knott                                              E Vickers

C Haynes                                            A E Letch                                           S Watson                                                                  A P Manning



At the going down of the sun, and in the morning


Contact Bill  Carline on 0114 2397796

Anyone wishing to make a donation towards the cost of the memorial can contact Bill.

Frecheville Trees of Remembrance

A poignat and moving service to re dedicate the Trees of Remembrance on Heathfield Road , Frecheville was attended by over a 100 people last Saturday (15/3/14) including veterans, cadets and members of the local community. Nineteen trees were planted in memory of the nineteen Frecheville servicemen who gave their lives during the Second World War and there used to be a small plaque at the base of each tree but these disappeared many years ago. Cllr Bryan Lodge has been investigating some form of replacement plaque for some time and is pleased to have now secured funding to do this. With the support of his fellow Birley Councillors, Cllrs Karen McGowan and Denise Fox, funding has been identified to produce and site an interpretation board close to the trees to explain why the trees were planted.  It is also hoped to replace three trees in due course as there are currently only sixteen trees remaining.“There’s a whole generation that’s grown up without any knowledge of the significance of the trees and now is an appropriate time to redress this. I remember the Royal British Legion organised a parade to St Cyprian’s Church and the laying of wreaths afterwards at the trees on Remembrance Sunday each year and I used to take part as a Scout, along with members of the Boys Brigade, Guides and Brownies, and many members of the local community.   Sadly the parades ceased some years ago as membership dwindled within the Royal British Legion.  I’m extremely pleased that we have secured the funding and have worked with officers of the Council and the local Veteran’s Association on the wording. It was great to see so many people there including ex servicemen and women, Cadets and pupils from Birley Community College”.

Cllr Fox, Lodge and McGowan with local resident and veteran Bill Carlin

This installation of the interpretation board also ties in with the proposals of local resident and veteran Bill Carlin, seen in the photo with Cllrs McGowan, Fox and Lodge,  for a new war memorial to be built within the boundaries of the Frecheville Park and Pond. “When we were looking at getting the board installed, we became aware of Bill’s aspiration and felt that this complemented his wish. It’s fitting that everyone passing by will now be aware of the significance of the trees, maybe calling to mind the sacrifice shown by local families”.Bill is well on the way to raise the funding needed for the new war memorial and it is hoped that work will enable the new memorial to be officially unveiled in the near future.

Birley Ward Councillors Hold Roving Surgery on Fox Lane and Jaunty Estate

Councillor Bryan Lodge, Councillor Karen McGowan and PCSO Roger Shalome
Councillor Bryan Lodge, Councillor Karen McGowan and PCSO Roger Shalome

As part of the preparations for the successful Birley Blitz litter-picking event, Birley ward Councillors Bryan Lodge and Karen McGowan held a roving surgery on roads surrounding Jaunty Park. Unlike normal sugeries, where constituents come to the councillors, in a roving surgery the councillors walk round the area, assessing potential problems and talking to residents. This time they had the support of local PCSO Roger Shalome, who was able to give advice to residents on issues concerned with crime and public order.

The roving surgery was very successful, with the team able to meet many residents and deal with the issues that concern them. Further, they noticed an overgrown footpath which they were able to bring to the attention of Amey, with the result that it is now cleared and suitable for public use once more!

Councillor Karen McGowan said: ‘It was good to get out and meet local residents and talk to them about how we can all improve our community. We certainly had many useful discussions today about what can be done.’

Councillor Bryan Lodge added: ‘These roving surgeries are essential as they allow us to get out and see people where they live. Residents of other parts of Birley Ward should look out for us as we’ll be doing more walkabouts very soon. You don’t just see us at election time!’

TUC Austerity Uncovered Tour

thumbs_austerity-unconvered-dudleyThe TUC’s Austerity Uncovered Tour bus is visiting Sheffield on Saturday 22nd June and will be pulling up to talk to local people in Handsworth between 4pm -6pm. The tour will be calling at The Club at Holme Lea (the former Handsworth WMC) and will have members of the Shadow Cabinet alongside TUC Officials on board. The nationwide tour is gathering evidence to show that the Government’s  Austerity Programme isn’t working , but the measures are hurting. So come along and help inform the debate, present your evidence and help support the campaign to convince the Tories and Lib Dems that enough is enough. During the visit, the National Musicians Union are providing entertainment through the Amelia Carter Band who will also be performing in July at the Tramlines festival.

For further information, visit