MUGA Launch Event

A new MUGA (Multi Use Games Arena) was officially opening in Charnock on Saturday 19th March. Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Denise Fox, Councillors Karen McGowan and Bryan Lodge and Sheffield South East MP Clive Betts were all in attendance for the launch.


The Friends of Charnock Recreation Grounds were also presented with the Keep Britain Tidy Green Flag Community Award, for the 5th year in a row!


Over 400 people attended the event, and our local Councillors also manned a stall which raised over £75 for the park.


Special thanks was given to businesses which had supported the building of the MUGA, including Viridor Credits, Friends of Charnock, Church Burgesses Trust, Community First Award, JG Graves Charitable Trust and AMEY. Activity Sheffield also provided a climbing tower and obstacle course for the day along with instructors offering sports coaching on the new facilities.


More information including photos on the event can be found at




Congratulations To Friends Of Charnock Recreation Ground!

Great news from the Friends group to say that they have been recognied for the work they have done with them being awarded The Queen’s Award For Voluntary Service and the citation reads ‘For developing a recreation ground for children and families in a previous run down area.’  Work has included new play equipment, new paths and landscaping, installation of gym equipment, improvements to the football pitch and the development of a natural play area. This award is eqivalent to an individual receiving an MBE.

We’d like to add our congratulations to the group and thank them for everything they’ve done for the community.



20mph Zone For Charnock

Charnock 20mph zoneFormal consultation on the Charnock Estate 20mph zone begins this week with the distribution to all homes in the area of information about the proposals. Delivery will take place between the 15th – 17th May and asks for comments back to the council by 7th June. In addition to the proposed 20mph limit throughout the estate, measures to improve safety around the school are to be introduced with tougher controls on vehicles parking on the zig zag lines.

Look out for your copy of the leaflet coming through your door. If you have any comments or concerns, please feed these in to the consultation, through the details on the form.

Further information regarding 20mph zones can be found by clicking on the following link:

Grateful Thanks!

Cllr Bryan Lodge was pleased recently when he received a telephone call from a very grateful resident of Charnock who wished to thank her Birley Councillors for helping resolve her heating problem. In early October, the lady’s fire was reported as not working and a repair ordered. When the engineer called, it was realised that the fire was obsolete and beyond repair. The fire was removed and a large, empty hole was left behind. Due to a communications problem, it appears that a replacement fire wasn’t ordered and inspite of a number of calls, the resident was no further forward as we progressed in to November. In desperation, the lady contacted her councillors. “We managed to quickly establish the facts and arrange for a new fire and surround to be installed. An email confirmation from Sheffield Home was received that said the job had been completed and so we closed the contact. It was really pleasing to get a call from our constituent to thank us for everything we had done to resolve her problem” said Cllr Bryan Lodge “I generally think that people contact councillors when they’ve exhausted the usual options and seem to be getting nowhere so it’s always a great feeling when we get a good result. This was made all the better when this lady took the time to call and pass on her thanks.”

Your councillors are always happy to assist if you are experiencing problems with council services. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch, our details can be found on the links to the left.

Thank you for the planned 20 mph Zone

Thank you to the resident on Arnold Avenue who contacted us after receiving the leaflet from the local Labour Councillors on the work being undertaken in the Charnock area and the Police Crime Commissioner. The resident commented as follows “Can I just say thank you to you and your partner agencies for the planned 20 mph zone that is planned for our estate. I have lived on Charnock on and off for the last 52 years. And since moving back here 12 years ago I have been shocked at how busy the road through the estate from the top of Bowman to White Lane has now become. As a parent of 4 children ranging from age of 6 to 26 I am disgusted at the speed at which some people drive. This is a great bit of work you have done and I look forward to the new zone being put in place. I just wanted to say Thank You to everyone involved in this project.”

If you have anything you would like to discuss with your local councillors please get in touch with anyone of us and we will do our best to help.

20mph Zone Planned For Charnock

Proposals put forward by the South East Community Assembly for a 20mph zone in Charnock were approved by the Cabinet Highways Committee at it’s meeting last week. Residents have been calling for traffic calming measures for many years across the Charnock area and Labour Councillors McGowan, Fox and Lodge were successful last year in securing funding for a feasibility study to be carried out. The South East Community Assembly proposed the Charnock scheme as it’s preferred option that was considered at last week’s meeting. Although the scheme is programmed for installation in 2013/14 during the upgrade to the areas’s roads and pavements as part of the Streets Ahead project, this is a significant step forward in delivering road safety improvements and reducing speeds in the estate.  The zone will focus drivers attention on the speed limit through gateway signage and repeater messages rather than engineering solutions such as humps and cushions.

Friends of Charnock Recreation Ground

Former Birley Cllr Mike Pye joins Cllrs Karen McGowan, Denise Fox and Bryan Lodge at the Friends fun day

Congratulations to the Friends group on todays event. Since the group formed six years ago, what they have achieved is amazing. It was great to go along and join in the fun at the launch of the fitness equipment. Karen, Denise and Bryan were joined by former Birley councillor Mike Pye at today’s event when Johnny Nelson and Richard Caborn carried out a ceremonial ribbon cutting at the park.

Proposed 20MPH Zone for Charnock

For many years, residents across Charnock have been campaigning for speed reductions across the area. Following changes to legislation introduced under the previous Labour government, such schemes can now be introduced at a much lower cost, without the need for humps and speed cushions. Cllr Bryan Lodge and his fellow Labour ward councillors, Karen McGowan and Denise Fox, have been pressing for a twenty zone and have recently secured funding for a feasibility study to be conducted.  “This is the first stage in preparing for a scheme to be introduced and we’re hopeful that we can persuade the South East Community Assembly to choose Charnock as its scheme for 2012/13. Traffic will always be an issue across every residential area but any steps we can take to slow it down has got to be a benefit for everyone who lives in the area”. SaidBryan

New Road Safety Measures at Charnock School


A much safer pedestrian access to Charnock School is to be put in place over the Easter school holidays thanks to the drive and commitment of a group of parents. Birley ward councillors, Bryan Lodge, Denise Fox and Karen McGowan have been working with the parents and officers from the council’s South East Community Assembly and Road Safety Teams to deliver improved pedestrian access to the school off Carter Hall Lane. A dedicated pedestrian footway is to be marked out, with yellow ‘Keep Clear’ and zig-zags also added to help maintain a safe entrance and exit to the school. “Cars parked close to the school gate have been making it difficult for the children and parents using this entrance.  With a dedicated footpath and clearer visibility around the entrance, the risk of injury is reduced and everyone will be much safer” said Cllr Bryan Lodge.  
Cllrs McGowan, Fox and Lodge view the current access route