Local Councillors Visit Jaunty Way Shops

Birley Ward Councillors visited the Jaunty Way shopping area on Monday morning with officers to look at issues residents have raised. We have reported the over flowing bin to be emptied. Councillors were pleased to see staff from the Co-op emptying the two bins outside the shop. The councillors will be contacting shop owners to see how we can work together we can help improve the area. We will post more information on this shortly.

Police Update on Local Anti-Social Behaviour Issues

Birley Ward Councillors have been informed by the police that following a number of incidents of anti social behaviour over recent weeks in the Frecheville and Woodhouse area, they have now issued a number of formal warnings to individuals involved.
These warnings have been issued under the anti social behaviour legislation and they will be monitoring the behaviour of these individuals over the next 12 months. The formal warnings issued are dependant on the age of the individual, the level of their involvement in the behaviour and whether we have previously dealt with them for other incidents.

The police understand that some incidents reported are of a criminal nature and they will always seek to prosecute where there is sufficient evidence of an offence along with positive identification of those involved.

South Yorkshire Police work closely with Sheffield City Council and Housing Associations to tackle anti social and criminal behaviour. They have been notified of these warnings and as a result this may affect the tenancies of any individuals involved.
Over the coming weeks, we will be working with Sheffield Council sending letters to residents in the Woodhouse area with information on how to report types of anti social behaviour

Update from Trading Standards on Fireworks around Frecheville Pond

The Birley Ward councillors raised concerns with Sheffield Trading Standards regarding the Anti-Social Behaviour with fireworks around Frecheville Park and Pond. We were concerned as to how and where the young people obtained the fireworks from. Trading Standards have responded outlining the following action being undertaken as follows: “Each year, Trading Standards work in partnership with South Yorkshire Police and South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service to tackle the issues around firework safety and anti-social behaviour arising from the unlawful supply of fireworks from both retail and domestic premises. This multi-agency approach is required as each agency has its own responsibilities under the applicable legislation.

This year, due to Sheffield’s Tier 3 status and associated Covid-19 risks to our young volunteer, we have been unable to carry out our usual programme of test purchasing for fireworks. We have instead agreed with South Yorkshire Police, for one of our enforcement officers and a police officer to carry out advisory visits to retail premises to remind sellers of their responsibilities and legal obligations. All fireworks retailers will receive a letter to reinforce the message and informing retailers of the effects of fireworks misuse on local residents as well as the legal requirements.

Both officers are aware of the particular issues raised in your locality and will be visiting all premises selling fireworks in the vicinity over the next two days to give a strong message to retailers in the area.”

Anti-Social behaviour around Frecheville Pond

Over the past few days The Birley Ward Councillors have been contacted by residents regarding the issues of Anti-Social behaviour including fireworks around Frecheville Park and Pond. Councillors have report the issues through to the police and council officers. The police have responded to say they will be going into Birley Academy to try to identify anyone involved. If they do identify the people causing this anti-social behaviour they will then deal with them with their parents. They have also said they will increase the patrols around the area.

Please do keep reporting incidents through 101. This will ensure the area is on the police hot spot list and can allocate resources accordingly.

Remember When… New Café Opened by Lord Mayor

On 30 August Birley Ward Councillors Denise Fox and Karen McGowan attended the opening of a new café in Birley Ward called Remember When… The café was opened by Councillor Anne Murphy. The café is based in a building within the Frecheville Cricket Club on Silkstone Road and everyone is welcome.

Ruth the owner is serving healthy food and sweet treats in a happy atmosphere, where everyone can be themselves without judgement, regardless of age, gender, race, culture, background or disability. Food is based around home cooked and locally sourced ingredients where possible.

Ruth’s aim is to provide ambiance, surroundings and activities to stimulate memories and conversation, particularly supporting those experiencing dementia.
Further details can be found at:

Website: www.rememberwhen.online
Facebook: Remember When Sheffield
Email: rememberwhensheffield@gmail.com
Tel: 07968784092

Keeping Safe and Well in Birley

On Monday July 3rd, the three Local Councillors for the Birley Ward (Cllr Bryan Lodge, Cllr Denise Fox and Cllr Karen McGowan) will be spending time in the area to talk to local people about keeping safe and well and distributing free information packs for residents.

Over the last few month the councillors have been working with a range of partner organisations, including South Yorkshire Police, South Yorkshire Fire Service, Trading Standards, the Housing Service and local GP Practices.

On Monday July 3rd the councillors and partners will be at the following local Co-op Stores:

Between 10am and 12 noon – The Birley Moor Road Coop, S12 4WF
Between 2pm and 4pm – The White Lane Coop, S12 3GH

This is your chance to speak to your local councillors, and collect a free pack with information to help you stay safe and well please do come along and talk with them.

Streets Ahead Scheme Feedback Survey

The Streets Ahead Scheme in Sheffield is the city wide highways maintenance project currently upgrading the condition of the city’s roads, pavements, street lights, bridges and other items on or around the streets.


A feedback survey has been re-launched with the aim of asking residents what they think about the upgrades that have been carried out across the city so far.


This survey is open until the 7th October with the results available in late Autumn.


All the team at the Streets Ahead are interested in any feedback you want to share.


You can complete the survey in less than 10 minutes at the following link:





Cllr Denise Fox as Sheffield’s new Lord Mayor

We would like to congratulate Councillor Denise Fox who is now Sheffield’s new Lord Mayor.


Denise is the 120th Lord Mayor of Sheffield, and the 17th female, and has been a loyal Labour Councillor for the Birley Ward since 2005.


Denise said ‘I will carry out my role as Lord Mayor the 1st citizen of Sheffield to the best of my ability, and I look forward to the year ahead’.


Congratulations Denise and good luck in your new role!


Thursday 5th May is Voting Day

Thursday 5th May is the chance for Sheffield residents to use their voice (well feet) to come out and vote in the city wide elections.


We hope the residents of Birley, Charnock, Frecheville and Hackenthorpe will support your local Labour party and help us continue to make our community better for all.

New Birley Community Environment Group

Karen McGowan Litter Pick 23-4-16 (5)


Photograph by Peter Wolstenholme

On Saturday 23 April 2016 the Birley Ward Councillors supported the first event of a new community volunteer group. Their first event was a litter pick around the Birley Nursery/Primary schools on Thornbridge Avenue S12. The group have also arranged for the Education Officer from Amey to go into the school to work with the children on recycling and why it is bad to drop litter. Equipment was provide and the event was supported by Amey, Sheffield City Council’s Parks & Countryside and Housing Department.
The group have come together from across the Birley Ward to improve the environment in which we live. They will be planning other events such as bulb planting, litter picks etc through the year so if you want to get involved please contact us and we will pass your details on.
If you could spare a couple of hours each month (over the summer) to support this new community group please let us know.

Birley in Bloom

Amongst the April showers the sun has started to shine in Sheffield.


Birley Labour would like to thank all those who volunteer keeping our local communities looking so great. Frecheville pond has really brightened up the community recently with the blossoming daffodils and variety of nature the pond attracts.


There are many areas across Birley that are well looked after, and it’s thanks to community groups and local residents that these areas are maintained for all to use. Let’s hope we have some more sunny days for everyone to make the most out of the beautiful areas in our community.