New Birley Community Environment Group

Karen McGowan Litter Pick 23-4-16 (5)


Photograph by Peter Wolstenholme

On Saturday 23 April 2016 the Birley Ward Councillors supported the first event of a new community volunteer group. Their first event was a litter pick around the Birley Nursery/Primary schools on Thornbridge Avenue S12. The group have also arranged for the Education Officer from Amey to go into the school to work with the children on recycling and why it is bad to drop litter. Equipment was provide and the event was supported by Amey, Sheffield City Council’s Parks & Countryside and Housing Department.
The group have come together from across the Birley Ward to improve the environment in which we live. They will be planning other events such as bulb planting, litter picks etc through the year so if you want to get involved please contact us and we will pass your details on.
If you could spare a couple of hours each month (over the summer) to support this new community group please let us know.

Non-Uniform Day Raises Money for Local Libraries

Local schools held a non-uniform day on Friday 17th April to raise money for Frecheville and Gleadless Libraries.


Charnock Hall Primary School raised £297 for the Gleadless library; Birley Community Primary School raised £461 for the Frecheville library, and Birley Community College raised a massive £850 that will be split amongst both libraries. Local Labour Councillors Denise, Bryan and Karen arranged for the cheques to be presented by the Lord Mayor Councillor Peter Rippon.


As most people will know, the libraries are now entirely volunteer run, and to date the staff at both Gleadless and Frecheville, have done a fantastic job in keeping these libraries open for the community to use. The council is doing what it can to support financially, for example paying the utility bills for the first 3 years of operation; however, the libraries are showing they can be financially viable which is important so services can be maintained once funding ceases.


Frecheville and Gleadless Libraries, as well as Labour Councillors Denise Fox, Karen McGowan and Bryan Lodge would like to thank all the pupils, parents and teachers of the schools for holding the event and donating all the money raised. Everyone seemed to have a great day, and it all helps keep library services in the community.


Birley Blitz Litter Picking Event near to Birley Spa Primary School

7 blitz2


Saturday 21st March saw the latest Birley Blitz litter picking event take place around Birley Spa Primary School. Organised by the Birley Ward Councillors, the open space outside the school was tidied with the help of several volunteers.


At the event Councillor Karen McGowan said “we are very grateful to both the Sheffield City Council Parks & Countryside and Sheffield Youth Justice Service for supporting all of these events, we definitely couldn’t do it without them”.


This Birley Blitz tied in with the ‘Spring into Action’ and ‘Help Clean up your Community events’ which are national initiatives aimed at helping improve local areas.


Afterwards, Councillor Denise Fox commented, “when we first looked at the area we didn’t know where to start but the difference when we’d finished was impressive, thank you to everyone for helping out”.


Councillor Bryan Lodge added that carpets, a flat screen TV, kids bike, shelving, and car parts were just some of the items removed “It amazed me as there’s no way of getting a vehicle near so people have been carrying this stuff to fly tip it. It took two people to carry the TV so someone must have seen them!”.


Check back on our website, or follow us on twitter for information on future events. Everyone is always welcome to come along and get involved!


20mph Zone For Charnock

Charnock 20mph zoneFormal consultation on the Charnock Estate 20mph zone begins this week with the distribution to all homes in the area of information about the proposals. Delivery will take place between the 15th – 17th May and asks for comments back to the council by 7th June. In addition to the proposed 20mph limit throughout the estate, measures to improve safety around the school are to be introduced with tougher controls on vehicles parking on the zig zag lines.

Look out for your copy of the leaflet coming through your door. If you have any comments or concerns, please feed these in to the consultation, through the details on the form.

Further information regarding 20mph zones can be found by clicking on the following link:

School Crossing Warden – Thornbridge Drive

At last we are pleased to be able to inform you that a gentleman has been appointed to the position of school crossing warden at Thornbridge Drive / Thornbridge Avenue. This is something that the Birley Ward Councillors and Birley Primary School have been working hard to resolve.

Councillor McGowan said “our thanks go to this gentleman who has started today (Monday 19th November) especially as he doesn’t live locally so will be have to travel about half an hour to undertake this role we are very grateful to him”.

School Crossing at Birley Community Primary School

Birley Ward Councillors have been working with the school to try to find a solution to the issues of safe crossing for pupils on Thornbridge Drive. Cllr McGowan is on the governing body at Birley Federation (known as the Birley Learning School) and says “Parking has been an issue in this area for a few of years now. A couple of years ago I was contacted by residents around Hayfield Crescent about the problem of parents parking on double yellow lines and blocking residents drive ways. The school, Councillors, PCSO and the Council’s Parking Wardens all worked together. The children were also involved and put notes on car windows asking parents to park more considerately”.

Since Birley Nursery is now part of the Birley Learning School the Primary school reception has changed to the front of the school (now based in the Nursery) and all parents enter the school via Thornbridge Avenue (none via Hayfield Crescent). Alongside this the new BSF building for Birley Community College has a new entrance on Birley Lane which includes a dropping off point within the school car park. A lot of changes have taken place to try to alleviate problems around the school but there is still an issue on Thornbridge Drive. Work is still on going to resolve this. Council Officers are talking to a couple of people who have expressed an interest in the School Crossing Patrol post. The school is writing out to parents about ensuring that children are properly supervised when leaving school. The school are also opening earlier so pupils in KS2 can enter from 8.00 a.m. it is hoped that this will also help reduce the pressure point in the morning.

Councillors are continuing to work with all agencies involved to try to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Birley Ward Labour Party Particpates in Successful Birley Federation Fun Day

Bryan Lodge, Karen McGowan and Lucky Winner at Birley Federation Fun Day
Bryan Lodge, Karen McGowan and Lucky Winner at Birley Federation Fun Day

Last Saturday saw a very successful Birley Federation Fun Day: a large number of community organisations and local businesses joined youth groups to create a memorable event which was well organised by the staff at Birley Community College and Birley Primary. There was even some sunshine!

Birley Ward Labour Party councillors and members were in attendance, with a stall that included swingball to win soft toys, spot the ball, a chance to win £50 and the opportunity to buy some beautiful hanging baskets created by our very own green-fingered maestro George MacDonald.

Councillors Karen McGowan and Brian Lodge, along with the other members of Birley Ward Labour Party present, would like to thank the staff of both schools as well as everyone else involved in the organisation of what was a great day for the whole community.