Gift boxes to Hackenthorpe Lunch Club members

Sue and Nicky manage the Hackenthorpe Community Centre lunch club. Whilst we have been in lock down they have been in contact with the members on a regular basis. Sue said one of the main issue raised by the members after 8 weeks of isolation was boredom. Sue contacted the Birley Ward Councillors to see if we could help with providing funding for gift boxes. The boxes included: hand gel, small pot of honey, dabber for bingo, bar of chocolate, mints, sudoku and other games, a small ‘favours bag’ with a red heart chocolate, 5 sugared almonds and small packet of love hearts as well as Thinking of You card. Sue and the team delivered the boxes and reported that they had been well received by the members. Sue manages the bookings for Hackenthorpe Community Centre and it is thriving with activities from Lunch clubs, coffee mornings and keep fit classes to birthday parties, meetings and Councillor surgeries. The centre has become a real hive of activity. We would like to thank all the team that are involved with Sue for all their hardwork

Here are just a few photographs of the work they did:

Thank you to Litter Pickers

Everytime I take a walk round my local area (Birley Ward) I am heartened to see the fantastic work done by the volunteer litter pickers. The Birley ward councillors would like to thank all those who volunteer to pick up litter and keep our communities clean and make it a great place to live. There are 1000’s of volunteers who are continuing to do this work in these difficult times across the city and you are all doing a great job. We especially want to thank those in our ward such as Hackenthorpe Litter Pickers, Charnock Litter Pickers and the Friends of the Craggs as well as those individuals that are not part of an organization but do their bit whenever they are out and about. Thank you we really do appreciate all your efforts.

Councillor Bryan Lodge
Councillor Karen McGowan
Councillor Denise Fox