South East Sheffield – Keeping People Well Partnership

On Friday 25 October 2019 Birley Ward Councillor Karen McGowan and Denise Fox had a stall at Hackenthorpe Community Centre. They were joined by MP Clive Betts. The event was organised by Kathryn Taylor or the Woodhouse Forum and other stall holders included: SCC Housing, SIV, Police, Daws Gym, Mencap to name a few. Councillor Karen McGowan said “it was really good to get to speak to people about activities taking place in the Birley Ward. A big thank you goes to Kathryn and her team for putting on the event”

Friends of the Earth Petition to declare a Regional Climate Emergency

A Birley Ward resident spoke with the Councillors at Hackenthorpe Community Centre last Friday 25 October 2019.
He asked us to support Sheffield Friends of the Earth who are asking Dan Jarvis to declare a Regional Climate Emergency bringing the region’s local authorities together to produce a Climate Action Plan. Sheffield, Barnsley and Doncaster Councils have each declared a Climate Emergency. I have emailed Dan Jarvis to ask him to support this and to take this forward.

Please sign the petition if you wish to support this https://actionnetworkorg/petitions/a-call-for-sheffield-city-region-to-declare-a-climate-emergency

Remember When Cafe WINS Age Friendly Sheffield award 2019

Remember When cafe on Silkstone Road is an award winning cafe!

On Friday 25 October Ruth Bartles the owner attended the Age Friendly Sheffield awards 2019 run by Age Better Sheffield, Lai Yin Association and Age UK Sheffield and was named the winner of the Age Friendly Business Sheffield award.

Here is a quote of the reason why she was picked –
‘This cafe is a lovely place that caters well for everyone but is especially welcoming to older people and people with dementia. They organise regular singing sessions with a paid singer for people to attend and participate in. Someone who nominated the business explained that ‘every time I visit with my mother who has Alzheimer’s, she is made to feel welcome, treated as an individual and treated with dignity and respect’.

Here’s a link to the coverage of the awards in the Sheffield Star –

Well done Ruth and all her helpers and supported we are really proud to have such a fantastic facilities in our ward.