Birley Ward Newsletter No. 2 ready for circulation

Over the past year the Birley ward councillors invited all the community groups across the Birley Ward to come together, In these times of austerity we felt it was important for them to work together, share resources and put in joint funding bids. They worked hard to produce the first Birley Ward Newsletter which was delivered in July 2018 by volunteers from all the community groups involved to the 7000 Birley ward residents. The aim of the newsletter is to inform the community of the various groups and activities taking place across the ward that they can get involved in. We are proud to announce that the next edition has now arrived so watch this space for it arriving through your letter box very soon.

Suffragette Flag

Article written by Cllr Denise Fox

Cllrs Denise Fox & Cllr Karen McGowan were proud to join city councillors with the suffragette flag. The flag has been passed around the UK celebrating 100 years since the women got the vote.

Remember When Café – Spring Sing

The Remember When Café on Silkstone Road held a Spring Sing event earlier in the year. The video click shows what Ruth and her team are achieving through the cafe.

There next event is on 2nd November, and there are a few places left – book now if you want to join them. Ruth’s contact details are

Ruth Bartles,
Director, Remember When Sheffield Ltd
0796 878 4092
Facebook: Rememberwhensheffield

Litter Picking in Hackenthorpe

Article written by Cllr Denise Fox

Cllr Denise Fox, Cllr Karen Mcgowan joined pupils from Rainbow Forge School, Andrea from Hackenthorpe Litter Pickers, council workers and the Police to pick up litter around Hackenthorpe.

Cllr Denise Fox said “It was a lovely morning to pick up the litter and local residents gave up their time to come and talk to us. We had some positive comments welcoming what we were doing and that we all cared enough about the environment to spend our time picking up the litter.”

Andrea from Hackenthorpe litter pickers are joined most weekends by volunteers also wanting to make the area free from litter.

Campaigning against Universal Credit

Birley Ward Councillors were joined by ward members and other councillors across the South East on a campaign stall outside Hackenthorpe shops on Birley Spa Lane on Saturday 6th October. They were handing out information on Universal Credit and asking residents to sign a petition stating “The Tories’ Universal Credit programme is pushing thousands of families into poverty, debt and homelessness. We’re demanding the Tories urgently stop the rollout of Universal Credit, before millions more are affected.”