New Birley Community Environment Group

Karen McGowan Litter Pick 23-4-16 (5)


Photograph by Peter Wolstenholme

On Saturday 23 April 2016 the Birley Ward Councillors supported the first event of a new community volunteer group. Their first event was a litter pick around the Birley Nursery/Primary schools on Thornbridge Avenue S12. The group have also arranged for the Education Officer from Amey to go into the school to work with the children on recycling and why it is bad to drop litter. Equipment was provide and the event was supported by Amey, Sheffield City Council’s Parks & Countryside and Housing Department.
The group have come together from across the Birley Ward to improve the environment in which we live. They will be planning other events such as bulb planting, litter picks etc through the year so if you want to get involved please contact us and we will pass your details on.
If you could spare a couple of hours each month (over the summer) to support this new community group please let us know.

Birley in Bloom

Amongst the April showers the sun has started to shine in Sheffield.


Birley Labour would like to thank all those who volunteer keeping our local communities looking so great. Frecheville pond has really brightened up the community recently with the blossoming daffodils and variety of nature the pond attracts.


There are many areas across Birley that are well looked after, and it’s thanks to community groups and local residents that these areas are maintained for all to use. Let’s hope we have some more sunny days for everyone to make the most out of the beautiful areas in our community.

Congratulations to all Sheffield Half Marathon runners!

The Birley Ward Labour Party would like to congratulate all of today’s Sheffield Half Marathon runners!


A great big well done to all those who took part in both the half marathon and the fun run, and a great big thank you to all the sponsors and supporters who were out in full force to cheer on the runners!


The results are now available online and can be found at the following link:


Half Marathon