A leaflet has been released by Sheffield City Council giving details of the proposed 20mph zone on Charnock estate. For those interested, this leaflet is downloadable from the Documents page of our website:
Streets Ahead Resurfacing Works
Residents of Birley Moor Road, Linley Lane and Hopefield Avenue are receiving letters regarding the next stage of the Streets Ahead project on their roads. New street lighting columns are currently being installed on Hopefield Avenue and Linley Lane following the introduction of the new, white light, columns on Birley Moor Road. Other works will follow to reinstate the verges and repair pavements. Now Amey, the council’s partner for the project, are notifying of the proposed resurfacing works for the road and footpaths. The works are planned from Woodhouse Road in Intake, through to Mosborough and incorporating Hopefield Avenue and Linley Lane.
This work will take place from 3 June to 18 August 2013 and we will need
to close some of the roads to carry out the work. Diversion routes will be in
place where needed. Pedestrian access and access for emergency vehicles
will be available at all times. Temporary signs will be displayed in the area five days before work starts, confirming the start date and expected duration of the work. Parking and access to properties, On-street parking and access to properties will be restricted on the roads being worked on, during working hours. Most roads will be open and on-street parking as normal outside of these hours. (The temporary signs on each road will tell you when on-street parking is restricted or unavailable).
It is very important that you make alternative arrangements for parking whilst
Amey are carrying out these highway improvement works. If you need vehicle
access to your property then this will be accommodated by the on-site
supervisor. Please make the on-site team aware of your needs as soon as
possible, as there may be a short delay while this is organised. Please plan
ahead and leave extra time wherever possible.
Further information
Please see www.sheffield.gov.uk/streetsahead for further information about Streets Ahead and follow progress @sccstreetsahead on Twitter.
If you would like any further information or to discuss any issues, please
contact the project team on 0114 273 4567 or email streetsahead@sheffield.gov.uk.
20mph Zone For Charnock
Formal consultation on the Charnock Estate 20mph zone begins this week with the distribution to all homes in the area of information about the proposals. Delivery will take place between the 15th – 17th May and asks for comments back to the council by 7th June. In addition to the proposed 20mph limit throughout the estate, measures to improve safety around the school are to be introduced with tougher controls on vehicles parking on the zig zag lines.
Look out for your copy of the leaflet coming through your door. If you have any comments or concerns, please feed these in to the consultation, through the details on the form.
Further information regarding 20mph zones can be found by clicking on the following link: https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/SCC-Home/roads/works/schemes/new-20-mph-speed-limits
A Fair Deal For Sheffield
There are just ten days left for you to add your signature to The People’s Petition for a Fair Deal For Sheffield. Signatures from the online petition will be collated with the thousands of signatures already collected.
On Tuesday May 14th a delegation of Sheffield’s political, faith and community leaders will take the Fair Deal for Sheffield campaign to London. The delegation, including the Bishop of Sheffield and Bishop of Hallam, will hand in the Fair Deal for Sheffield petition to the Prime Minister at Number 10 Downing Street.
The Fair Deal campaign was launched earlier in the year by Sheffield’s faith leaders, the voluntary and community sector, trade unions and local politicians to highlight the unfairness of the Government’s cuts on Sheffield, compared to wealthier areas which are receiving much lower reductions in funding. Thousands of Sheffielders have signed the petition to show their concern and anger about the Government’s unfair cuts, and to call on
the Government to give fair funding to Sheffield and South Yorkshire.
Cllr Julie Dore, who will lead the delegation, said:
“Sheffield has borne the brunt of this Government’s unfair cuts and I think local people believe it is wrong that Sheffield Council is receiving devastating cuts whilst some of the wealthiest areas of the country receive almost no cuts at all.
“I would like to thank everyone who has been involved and hopefully the strength of force behind the campaign which has included people from a wide range of sectors across the city will make the Government sit up and take notice of the impact that the cuts are having in Sheffield, when so far our concerns have fallen on deaf ears.”
Paul Blomfield MP, who raised the campaign in Parliament, said:
“Churches and mosques, community groups and trade unions, have come together with thousands of Sheffielders to raise their voice about the unfairness of the cuts on our city and on people’s lives. You only have to read some of the comments from those who signed the petition. Community services are closing, jobs are going and some of the most vulnerable people are facing real hardship. And it will get worse unless the Government listen to the people of Sheffield, change course and allocate funding fairly. It’s not right that parts of the country, far wealthier than Sheffield, are only seeing minor budget reductions. Unless there’s a change, Sheffield’s cuts will reach £200 per person by 2015 – over 5 times the amount taken away from wealthy areas like Windsor, Guildford, and Wokingham in the south of England.”
The Sheffield delegation who will travel to London to hand in the petition will
Cllr Julie Dore – Leader, Sheffield City Council
The Rt Revd Steven Croft- the Anglican Bishop of Sheffield
The Rt Revd John Rawsthorne – the Catholic Bishop of Hallam
Abtisam Mohammed- Chair, Sheffield Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Network
Sue White – Chief Executive, Voluntary Action Sheffield
Mohammed Aslam – Chairman of the Madina Mosque
And they will be joined by Sheffield Members of Parliament at the hand-in.
The Fair Deal for Sheffield campaign was endorsed by Sheffield City Council at the Full Council meeting on March 1st and has also received the backing of a wide range of local organisations, charities, churches and individuals. Supporters include Voluntary Action Sheffield; the Third Sector Assembly; Sheffield LINK; Church Army; Sheffield Wildlife Trust; Sheffield University Students Union; Sheffield Hallam University Students Union; Yorkshire and the Humber TUC; the trade unions Unite, Unison and the GMB; and the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner Shaun Wright.
For more information, visit the Fair Deal For Sheffield Website