South East CLP Fashion Show


For the last couple of years Councillors Denise Fox and Karen McGowan have organised a Fashion Show for the South East Constituency Labour Party and these events have been a great success. This years Fashion Show will take place on Thursday 9th May at 6.30 for 7 p.m. at Club Baize, Beighton (in walking distance from Crystal Peaks). Tickets are £3.00 each and includes a free goodie bag and a bar is also available. The clothes are ex-chain store fashions at reduced prices and are for women and children. If you would like tickets please emailed either or stating how many tickets you would like. Please feel free to pass the details to family and friends – the more the merrier.

Tories In Sheffield On A Different Planet!

George Osbourne demonstrates his take on efficiencies!
George Osbourne demonstrates his take on efficiencies!

Vonny Watts,  Deputy Chair of the Conservatives in Sheffield, shows just how out of touch the Tories are with the majority of people across Sheffield.

Speaking on Radio Sheffield this morning, Vonny asked that we talk of “..efficiencies not cuts, because that’s what they are…” So does Vonny consider the cuts to Sheffield’s budgets as ‘efficiency savings’? Where has Vonny been for the last few months? Has she not heard the cries on anguish from across the City as people and groups see the impact of cuts to their communities and services? Does she really think that the decision to reduce the council’s budget by £140m over the last two years and a further £50m for the forthcoming financial year is based on ‘efficiencies’? 

Her government, propped up by Nick Clegg and the Lib Dems, have brutally cut the sum allocated to Sheffield that means we are having to curtail spending across all services. They have slashed over £7m from the Early Intervention Grant that supported Children’s Centres, Child Care and Youth Activities;  they have cut over £5m of funding for Council Tax supporthitting low income families  and they have introduced the horrendous ‘Bedroom Tax’ that penalises people for wanting to say in the family home they’ve lived in for years!  Staggeringly, inspite of these  attacks on low income families, Vonny went on to proclaim that the Tories are “the compassionate party”!

And lets not forget, these ‘efficiencies’ that Sheffield is facing come at the same time that Vonny’s friends in London are introducing a £100k tax cut for millionaires.  But hey, we’re all in it together!

Big Dave’s Strange Trip North

Prime Minister David Cameron visited a factory in West Yorkshire on Thursday 7th March to give what had been billed as a major speech on the economy prior to the Chancellor’s Budget presentation later in the month.

Mr. Cameron stressed not once but several times during his address to a group of very sober, if not sad, businessmen and women “that there was no alternative to more austerity”. It sounded like the return of Mrs. Thatcher – or Dracula returns – to bleed us all dry. He claimed his policies on the economy were working and referred us to so-called evidence from the Office of Public Responsibility to add weight to his hollow claims. On his return to Downing Street, after his brief encounter with those strange Northern Tribesmen, Big Dave found a letter on his desk from no other person than the Head of the Office of Budget Responsibility which stated that government’s austerity programme had knocked 1.4% off the value of the Gross National Product over the past two years. Whoops! Big Dave’s trip falls flat…

We were treated to a storytelling session when Cameron met the natives of West Yorkshire. In that very expressive way of waving his arms around in order to keep his audience in rapture, or to keep them from falling asleep, Big Dave told his audience that “there were no such things as money trees”. He went on to tell these hard-headed West-Yorkshire folk that you had to work hard if you want to succeed! However down in the Sleazy South money trees flourish all year long. On Friday 8th March 2013 Barclays and RBS revealed 253 staff take home more than £1 million per year. Barclays were hit by a fine of £390 million for rigging the market, yet earlier this week Barclays paid 204 of their employees £1 million each.

I thought one of the principles of the law was that no-one should profit from crime. Apparently it doesn’t include banks: their money grows on trees.

Health and safety tree work in the East Glade area

For information for residents in the East Glade area. Contractors will be carrying out health and safety tree work in the East Glade area. This is due to an Health and Safety risk assessment. The type of work this generally covers is the felling of dead, dying or dangerous trees and the removal of deadwood or other hazardous parts over thoroughfares and roads. This will involve two small ash trees which are being felled from the roadside along with a partially collapsed maple. The work will be carried out within the next 10-12 weeks.

David Cameron’s Missing Money Tree

During his recent speech on the economy in Batley, West Yorkshire, David Cameron nailed his colours to the mast of S.S. Britannia when speaking on the economy. He steadfastly refused to consider any other alternative strategy. There is only one way, more austerity, more cuts in public spending. Suffering is the price ordinary people in Batley and elsewhere are paying for his bravado!

He tells us “there is no money tree”: that is only half true! There is no money tree in Sheffield, perhaps, but on Threadneedle Street and Canary Wharf the money trees blossom all year round, and the harvest continues to make the rich richer than ever, while for the rest we get poorer.

Ken Curran, Chair, Birley Ward Labour Party.