School Crossing at Birley Community Primary School

Birley Ward Councillors have been working with the school to try to find a solution to the issues of safe crossing for pupils on Thornbridge Drive. Cllr McGowan is on the governing body at Birley Federation (known as the Birley Learning School) and says “Parking has been an issue in this area for a few of years now. A couple of years ago I was contacted by residents around Hayfield Crescent about the problem of parents parking on double yellow lines and blocking residents drive ways. The school, Councillors, PCSO and the Council’s Parking Wardens all worked together. The children were also involved and put notes on car windows asking parents to park more considerately”.

Since Birley Nursery is now part of the Birley Learning School the Primary school reception has changed to the front of the school (now based in the Nursery) and all parents enter the school via Thornbridge Avenue (none via Hayfield Crescent). Alongside this the new BSF building for Birley Community College has a new entrance on Birley Lane which includes a dropping off point within the school car park. A lot of changes have taken place to try to alleviate problems around the school but there is still an issue on Thornbridge Drive. Work is still on going to resolve this. Council Officers are talking to a couple of people who have expressed an interest in the School Crossing Patrol post. The school is writing out to parents about ensuring that children are properly supervised when leaving school. The school are also opening earlier so pupils in KS2 can enter from 8.00 a.m. it is hoped that this will also help reduce the pressure point in the morning.

Councillors are continuing to work with all agencies involved to try to resolve the issue as soon as possible.