The Labour Party’s decision on whom to nominate for South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner is imminent. Given the importance of this post, it is essential that the best candidate is put forward to contest the full election in November.
Birley Branch Labour Party is pleased to announce a number of endorsements for Kash Walayat OBE: Councillor Bryan Lodge, Councillor Karen McGowan, Councillor Denise Fox and membership secretary Mike Drabble are all convinced that Kash Walayat OBE is the right person for the job.
His skills, experience and connections with all sections of the community mean he is better placed than any other candidate to offer effective oversight of South Yorkshire Police in what will be a challenging time for our local force. In addition, Kash Walayat OBE has demonstrated his commitment to the post by giving up his highly paid civil service job to stand: something none of the other candidates can say!
So we urge all local Labour Party members to vote for Kash Walayat OBE for South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner. He’s a long-standing Labour member that has worked hard for the party in the past, and will work hard for the people of South Yorkshire in the future.