Birley Spa lunch club on the lookout for new volunteers

Birley Spa lunch club is on the hunt for new volunteers so that it can continue providing twice weekly sessions to 39 local older people at Hackenthorpe Community Centre.

Birley Spa lunch club receives grant funding from the council and provides a hot, two course meal to its members twice a week. Those who attend enjoy the time to chat and meet friends, play bingo and go out on day trips together.

After years of running the lunch club, the current club organiser, who has volunteered their time freely until now, is stepping down at the end of May, welcoming a retirement from the role. The club has made a real difference to the lives of its members and all those that have been involved in the running of the club.

Unfortunately there isn’t a volunteer team to hand over the running of the club to and the last lunch will be on Wednesday 30th May unless new volunteers step forward. It’s an opportunity for the local community to get together and think about what they’d like to enjoy and run in their area.

Sheffield City Council has supported the development of more than 50 lunch clubs for many years, recognising the important role these clubs play in helping to reduce the social isolation that may accompany old age, frailty and bereavement. The majority of the clubs are independent self-help groups run by older people for older people. They offer an opportunity for older people to meet together, to share a meal and socialise.

If anyone would like to volunteer to set up a new club, Adele Hunt, Voluntary Sector Liaison Officer at Sheffield City Council can provide information on what’s involved in running a club and what skills and commitment are needed. She can offer information and contacts on a range of topics such as working out a budget, health and safety laws, membership referrals, fundraising, equipment needed, volunteer inductions, club constitutions, activities and record keeping. Although the current grant fund isn’t open to new applications, a new club in Birley could be supported with an interim grant subject to meeting funding criteria and having volunteers who can be financially accountable for funding.

Adele said: “We would love new volunteers to come forward with some exciting ideas. There is no restriction on which day of the week the club should run or what other activities they could provide to members. Everything is an option if somebody has the idea and commitment to make it happen.”

Jim Steinke, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Community Safety said: “Lunch clubs play an important role in our local communities and rely on volunteers to make sure that they continue. Feedback shows that the regular opportunity to meet and chat is one of the most important things members value and for some, the weekly lunch club is their only opportunity to socialise. We hope that Birley Spa lunch club stays open because of the difference it makes to its local community.”

Adele can be contacted on 0114 273 4631 by anyone interested in setting up a new club in Birley.


Councillors with the Fire Cadets and Police

It was a miserable, damp and rainy Saturday morning but that did not deter the local Frecheville residents, Fire Service Cadets and police who joined the Birley Ward Councillors in cleaning up a large area of Jaunty Park. This initiative came about through a couple of residents raising concerns about fires, litter and general anti-social behaviour in park land behind Longstone Crescent. The litter pick is a follow on to work done two weeks previously by Councillors, a resident, Fire Service and Police in talking to pupils in assemblies at Birley Academy on the dangers of fire and the consequences of a criminal record.

Councillor Karen McGowan said “The response from everyone especially the local residents and the fire cadets was fantastic and I can not thank them enough. It was terrible weather but everyone did a great job”.

Councillor Bryan Lodge said “ the enthusiasm was great, residents retained some of the litter pick equipment so they can continue cleaning up the area which we are happy to support”.

Councillor McGowan added “the most encouraging part is the willingness of the local residents to form a Community Group to look after this area and some great ideas where discussed such as working with the wildlife trust to educate people on the different species of trees and animals that can be found here and creating seats areas for people to enjoy the area”.

Councillor Denise Fox said “We could not have done this without support from everyone that attended including the Councils Parks & Countryside Department who provided equipment and collected the waste. Also Ruth from the Remember When Café on Silkstone Crescent who provided warm drinks and buns. It was a real community effort and we look forward to supporting and working with the new community group in the future ”.

Sheffield Labour Council Slams Tory “Great Train Robbery”

Sheffield’s Labour Council has blasted the eye-watering rise in ticket prices, which comes in to force today.

Rail fares will go up by an average of 3.4%, the highest increase in five years. Ticket prices have already risen by 27% since 2010, twice the rate of wages

Councillor Jack Scott, Cabinet Member for Transport at Sheffield City Council said:

“This price rise is a total disgrace and will hit hard-working Sheffielders in their pockets hard. For the tens of thousands of Sheffield people who use the trains, this ‘Great Train Robbery’ is an awful way to start 2018.

“Our railways are being run by greedy fat cats on ever higher salaries, when they should be run as a public service, for the public good, with money re-invested in the public interest. Our railway system should be run for the benefit of the many, not to enrich a privileged few.”

“Fares have risen faster wages every year of this clueless government, but the Tories still have the cheek to say there isn’t money to electrify the Midland Mainline, even though it would boost growth by £450 million and help to rebalance our economy.”

“Privatisation has been a disaster for our railways, with higher fares, lower punctuality and a focus on short-term profit rather than long-term investment. Only Labour has the ambition and courage to deliver the railway the public deserves in 2018”

Irina Amelkina of Gleadless, Sheffield works in Nottingham and commutes every day. She said:

“It’s absolutely absurd rail fares are going up yet again. It’s completely unfair that shareholders and executives at the top are making so much whilst the rest of us are being squeezed and losing out. The railways should be nationalised. It’s really galling to have to pay just to see companies make even more money for slow and unreliable services”

The RMT general secretary, Mick Cash, said:

“While workers are struggling, the private train companies are raking it in As we enter the 25th anniversary of railway privatisation legislation, the need for public ownership of rail has never been more popular or necessary.”

Speeding Vehicles on Linley Lane

In response to complaints by local residents on speeding vehicles on Linley Lane Councillors Karen McGowan & Denise Fox held a speed watch session on 6 December with police.

Councillor Karen McGowan said “firstly I’d like to thank the residents for raising their concerns and to the police for supporting us with this activity. In the hour that we were present we recorded vehicles doing up to 55 mph which is way above the 30 mph allowed. This is a danger for anyone trying to cross the road as well as other road users and we urge drivers to slow down. To further support this work we are also moving the Birley Ward Speed Indicator Device (SID) to Linley Lane”.

Councillor Denise Fox added “Thank you to the residents who brought us flasks of coffee out which was very welcome as it was a cold morning”.


Councillor Karen McGowan with Help Us Help volunteers

Councillor Karen McGowan joined volunteers to promote Help Us Help which is a collaboration between services who support those who find themselves homeless or begging. Many have complex needs and Sheffield services have the experience to address these issues. Councillor McGowan said “I am member of the Safer & Stronger Communities Scrutiny on Sheffield City Council and in November 2017 we had a report on Street Culture. I knew there was support in Sheffield but I was so impressed by the work the charities are doing and how they are all working together with Sheffield City Council. When I heard about the Help Us Help I just wanted to show my support by volunteering to promote the good work being done in partnership”. There is a website that has been designed to educate and help inform members of the public about:

• What support is available, housing, food, health etc
• Which charities operate in Sheffield
• What commissioned services are available
• How people can help, volunteering, donating items, financial donation to preferred charities
• Improving the help for people on the streets

The reasons behind this are that there are lots of myths about vulnerability in Sheffield, we want to raise awareness and to promote the great work of the locally based charities. You can help by:

1. Give time or donations to charities that provide support – research shows that giving money directly to people who beg can do more harm than good.
2. Have a chat with someone and encourage them to access support services.
3. Give food or a drink rather than money. Some local outlets run pay in advance schemes
4. Buy a Big Issue – vendors buy The Big Issue North and then sell it on to their customers. Vendors are working, not begging and need public support.

To find out more and to support Help Us Help see

Birley councillors join picket line of DWP strike for Eastern Avenue Job Centre

Birley councillors joined the picket line in support of DWP striking to save Eastern Avenue Job Centre.

The strike is in opposition to DWP’s decision to close the Eastern Avenue jobcentre. Closing the jobcentre will remove a vital public service from an already deprived area of Sheffield. It will also force the claimants who use the office, many of whom are disabled or have young children, to make a much longer journey to access vital services.

The campaign against the office closure is getting strong backing from Sheffield MPs and other local politicians as well as good media coverage. Paul Blomfield, MP for Sheffield Central, has asked further questions in parliament to find out from the minister what assessment has been made of the effect of the proposed closure of the jobcentre on the roll-out of universal credit in Sheffield. These follow the numerous questions raised by Louise Haigh, MP for Sheffield Heeley, who has previously tried to press the minister to provide answers around the closure of the site. Meanwhile the leader of Sheffield City Council, Julie Dore, has written to the DWP to make clear her strong opposition to the closure.

A one day Labour seminar on education – Saturday 4th March 2017

Independent Labour Publications invites you to:
Unbalanced Britain: Education, inequality and
Labour’s response
A one day seminar at The Circle, Sheffield, Saturday 4 March 2017

About the speakers
Melissa Benn is a writer and campaigner on education. Melissa is currently chair of the crossparty group campaigning group Comprehensive Forum, is a vice president of the Socialist
Education Association, and founder member of the Local Schools Network.
Julie Thorpe is schools programmes manager at the Co-operative College, heading a
programme working towards establishing co-operative values in the education system.

The seminar takes place at The Circle, 33 Rockingham Lane, Sheffield S1 4FW It is free but you do need to register in advance,
deadline Friday 24 February. Register via the link to Eventbrite on the ILP web site: (; 07799 502 937).

Further information can be found at:


Thursday 5th May is Voting Day

Thursday 5th May is the chance for Sheffield residents to use their voice (well feet) to come out and vote in the city wide elections.


We hope the residents of Birley, Charnock, Frecheville and Hackenthorpe will support your local Labour party and help us continue to make our community better for all.

Birley in Bloom

Amongst the April showers the sun has started to shine in Sheffield.


Birley Labour would like to thank all those who volunteer keeping our local communities looking so great. Frecheville pond has really brightened up the community recently with the blossoming daffodils and variety of nature the pond attracts.


There are many areas across Birley that are well looked after, and it’s thanks to community groups and local residents that these areas are maintained for all to use. Let’s hope we have some more sunny days for everyone to make the most out of the beautiful areas in our community.

MUGA Launch Event

A new MUGA (Multi Use Games Arena) was officially opening in Charnock on Saturday 19th March. Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Denise Fox, Councillors Karen McGowan and Bryan Lodge and Sheffield South East MP Clive Betts were all in attendance for the launch.


The Friends of Charnock Recreation Grounds were also presented with the Keep Britain Tidy Green Flag Community Award, for the 5th year in a row!


Over 400 people attended the event, and our local Councillors also manned a stall which raised over £75 for the park.


Special thanks was given to businesses which had supported the building of the MUGA, including Viridor Credits, Friends of Charnock, Church Burgesses Trust, Community First Award, JG Graves Charitable Trust and AMEY. Activity Sheffield also provided a climbing tower and obstacle course for the day along with instructors offering sports coaching on the new facilities.


More information including photos on the event can be found at




What the Labour Party achieved, lest we forget

We feel the last Labour government achieved a lot whilst in power. This includes:


Low inflation, increased police numbers, reduction in crime, more Doctors and Nurses and thousands of renovated schools.


It also includes:


The introduction of paternity leave, winter fuels payments, increased numbers of teachers and a reduction in the number of homeless.


For more information on what Labour achieved whilst in power you can read the article in full at:

What the Labour Party achieved, lest we forget